Elevator: Source

Elevator: Source is a Source Engine Mod about... Being in an Elevator, you'll go through 28 Randomized Rooms to get to your destination.

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Tropes used in Elevator: Source include:
  • Apathetic Citizens: While the player may react accordingly to the various floors, the NPCs will respond in the same way a lead weight responds to being harassed by a gentle breeze.[1]
  • Artificial Brilliance: Parodied, the website says that the AI is brilliant enough to get in the elevator.
  • Dem Bones: One of the random passengers that can accompany you onto the elevator is a skeleton.
  • Game Mod: There are instructions on how to create your own elevator room on the website.
  • Hilarity Ensues: What's likely to transpire if you have more than one player in the elevator.
  • Killed Off for Real: Sometimes random characters you can get in the elevator will die in one of the random rooms.
  • Surreal Humor: Much of the draw of the mod is the fact that you'll often find a beach two floors up from a detective's office. All localized inside an apartment complex.
  • Shout-Out: Some of the randomized names belong to Something Awful goons. Considering the mod was made by a Goon, it's not too surprising.
    • Also, one of the floors is the Get Smart intro, complete with theme.
  • Uncomfortable Elevator Moment: The period of waiting for the next floor to appear can often become this. Also, NPCs who join early will sometimes stay with you for the ENTIRE ride. They even make comments, like "shouldn't we...be going somewhere"?
  1. In other words, they won't give a damn.
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