Dynasty Warriors/Characters/Other Characters
A list of "Other Characters" in the Dynasty Warriors series
Dong Zhuo
"The Despot of Debauchery"
"All that oppose me shall be put to death!"
Voiced by: Yukitoshi Hori (Japanese), Richard Epcar (English)
Born: (Unknown)
Died: May 22, 192
Japanese spelling: Toutaku
Age: 40
Height: 6'0" (183cm)
Dong Zhuo is the Prime Minister to the throne during the late Han dynasty. He was seen as a ruthless tyrant and he used the Han Emperor as a puppet in order to do what he willed. Dong Zhuo enforced his rule by having control of the mightiest man of the time, Lu Bu.
Portrayed as a repulsive and obese man, he often lets his lust and hedonistic pursuits get the better of him. This is what ultimately drives a wedge between him and his adopted son Lu Bu.
- Back from the Dead - In Lu Bu's story in DW6
- Beard of Evil: - Sports copious facial hair in every game.
- Complete Monster - The biggest obvious one in Koei's Warriors franchise. Even Kotarou Fuuma and Kojirou Sasaki are LESS monstrous than him!
- Somewhat lampshaded in Warriors Orochi 2, where Orochi's story mode reveals that he joined Team Evil pretty much the moment the Serpent King showed up, being the third starting character for the Orochi team (joining Orochi himself and Da Ji). Even Kotarou wasn't THAT quick to sign up. Taken further in Warriors Orochi 3 when even Keiji and Masamune had enough balls to have enough with the current Orochi and signing out on their own... Dong Zhuo had to be put prisoner and forced to join the good forces.
- Deliver Us From Evil - No, no, no...Lu Bu's strength just made him crave MORE!
- Drop the Hammer - His cloned club moveset in DW6.
- Epic Flail - In DW7.
- Fatal Attraction - His lust for Diao Chan, who was only using him, is what ultimately brings him down.
- Fat Bastard - DW6 and 7 manage to make him even fatter.
- Justified: in the source material, he was described as so fat that after his death, his obese body continued to ooze fat from his wounds. Soldiers used his fat as an oil for their torches.
- Gonk - He gets notably fatter and uglier with every installment.
- Taken Up to Eleven in DW6
- Good Weapon, Evil Weapon - His swords in DW3-5 may as well be saws; any flesh they hit will have a nasty wound.
- The Hedonist / The Sociopath - Anything he does is for pleasure...and to the gallows with anyone who gets in his way.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty - With Diao Chan.
- Jerkass
- Karmic Death - We ought to praise Lu Bu for this.
- Large and In Charge
- Lust - After 19 year old Diao Chan. He is a 40 year old man. Ew.
- Neck Snap: His EX attack, after tripping his opponent no less.
- Obviously Evil - The one character with no grey area. He's a total bastard.
- Pitiful Worms:
"Another insect...CRUSHED!"
- Smug Snake
- Stout Strength
- Throw Down the Bomblet - His Musou attack in DW7. He gets this moveset in DWNEXT and WO3.
- Tyrant Takes the Helm
- Utopia Justifies the Means
- Villainous Glutton - Frequent banquets and fests turn him into a Fat Bastard.
- We Have Reserves
Zuo Ci
Voiced by: Masaharu Sato {Japanese}, Michael Forest {English
Born: Unknown Died: Unknown
Age: 70
Height: 6' 1"
A mysterious mystic who appears in Dynasty Warriors 5 and the Warriors Orochi series.
- Death Dealer
- Game Breaker: Is statistically on par with Lu Bu and has one of the most impressive musou attacks in the game.
- Lightning Bruiser