Dude, Where's My Car?

Dude, Where's My Car? is a 2000 comedy film directed by Danny Leiner. It is about the journey of two young men (Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott) to find their stolen car. It is a stoner film, although technically only one of the film's characters, a dog, is seen smoking marijuana.
The film received poor reviews from critics, but was a modest box-office success, and has managed to develop a small cult following after its DVD and home video release.
The title of the film has become a benchmark of popular culture of the time of its release. It is referenced widely in many different situations, an example being Dude, Where's My Country?, the title of a political book by Michael Moore criticising post-9/11 America.
For the trope regarding losing track of one's car, please see Dude, Where's Our Car?
- Arc Words: The Continuum Transfunctioner is a very mysterious and powerful device.
- And its mystery is only exceeded by its power.
- Aerith and Bob: My name is Zarnoff. This is Zabu, Zellner, Zelbor, Zelmina and Jeff." Caption "Jeff".
- Asian Rudeness: At a drive through.
- Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever / Make My Monster Grow: Super Hot Giant Alien!
- Bilingual Bonus: The written name of the Chinese restaurant translates into the phrase "and then".
- Boss Subtitles: Again, Super Hot Giant Alien.
- Breast Expansion: The end after the two leads give the alien necklaces to their girlfriends. This uses the Fetish Fuel ending, where the girls are happy about their increase and no moral is provided. Notably, the necklaces appear to be reusable.
- The Cameo: Fabio.
- And Kristy Swanson.
- Chekhov's Gun: Numerous examples. One example is the lifetime supply of pudding the duo find in their cupboard. This helps them decide which group of mysterious strangers are on their side by asking what they got the night before during a game of mini-golf where they won it.
- Chekhov's Skill: An extensive knowledge of discovery channel trivia saves them from a lunatic ostrich rancher and give Chester the idea to press a hard to reach button with a crazy straw.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment: "We will now use the power of the Continuum Transfunctioner to banish you to Hoboken, New Jersey."
- Dude, Where's Our Car?: Trope Namer.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Super Hot Giant Alien is just what you'd expect.
- Expy: The black chick is like Juanita from Billy Madison. Only difference is that Juanita enjoys teasing Billy for fun while this chick enjoys messing with people for sadistic pleasure.
- French Jerk: The ostrich guy.
- Until Chester answers his question correctly. Then he's all smiles, at least with Jesse and Chester. (He's still a jerk with Mark, though).
- Fusion Dance: The strange stranger chicks into the Super Hot Giant Alien
- Heterosexual Life Partners: Jesse and Chester. Or are they?
- Humble Goal: All Jesse and Chester want is to find their car and get the birthday presents for their girlfriends inside.
- I'm a Humanitarian: The first thing Super Hot Giant Alien does after merging and expanding.
- Insistent Terminology: "We are not guys, we are hot chicks." Technically, they're neither.
- Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique: Parodied. Jesse and Chester are interrogated by the cops for a crime they didn't commit, but they don't remember anything from the night before. Thinking they're holding out on them, the cops then bring in a dummy, which they "torture" with beatings, pouring hot coffee in its face, and cigarette burns.
Chester: Leave him alone! He doesn't know anything!
- The Joy of X: The title is often parodied.
- Leitmotif: Zoltan has one that Jeff plays on electric piano.
- MacGuffin: The Continuum Transfunctioner. And the car, of course. And the briefcase full of money.
- Overly Long Gag: "And theeeeennn...?"
- Rule of Funny
- Stoner Flick
- Title Drop: About 20 times!
- Too Dumb to Live: Jesse and Chester are this, and how. But they both have occasional flashes of brilliance.
- Trash of the Titans: Boy howdy, the beginning of the movie....
- What Did I Do Last Night?: The movie starts out here and spirals out of control. "Damn you were wasted last night."
- Who's on First?:
"What does mine say?"
"DUDE! What does mine say?"
"SWEET! What about mine?"