Dracula's Daughter

Marya: Sandor, look at me. What do you see in my eyes?
Sandor: Death.
Dracula's Daughter is a horror film from 1936 by Universal. It was the first sequel to the Bela Lugosi vehicle Dracula. Lugosi also appeared on some promotional stills, but he isn't featured in the actual film.
The film continues where the last one left off. Two constables stumble upon the corpses of Renfield and Count Dracula. They also meet Professor Van Von Helsing who tells them what has happened. Baffled by his crazy story, they call in Scotland Yard for help. Threatened with execution or the madhouse, Van Von Helsing calls for old student of his, psychiatrist Dr. Jeffrey Garth, to help him clear himself.
At the same time, Countess Marya Zalenska, the title character, steals Count Dracula's body and burns it on a funeral pyre, hoping that she'll be set free from his vampiric influences and could begin a life as a normal woman. After this fails, she turns her attention to Dr. Garth, hoping that psychology is the way, despite the warnings of her servant Sandor.
The producers did their best to tone it down, but the film is still has some Les Yayness evident.
Was followed by Son of Dracula in 1943.
- All in the Eyes
- Answer Cut: See Inadvertent Entrance Cue, below.
- The Archer: Sandor starts firing arrows at Dr. Garth when he approaches Castle Dracula.
- Burn, Baby, Burn: Marya burns the count's corpse on a funeral pyre.
- Damsel in Distress: Janet during the final third of the film.
- Hard Work Montage: Shown when the police begin searching for the Countess
- Have a Gay Old Time: When the Head of Scotland Yard tells his man-servant that he is going hunting "vampires," the latter replies: "But I always understood you went after them with chequebooks, sir."
- Wouldn't that qualify more as Getting Crap Past the Radar?
- Honor Before Reason:
VanVon Helsing insists telling the truth about Dracula's death, even risking being sentenced to execution or an asylum. - I Do Not Drink... Wine: But tea is fine.
- Inadvertent Entrance Cue: When Dr. Jeffrey Garth asks the question, "What could have made those two small puncture marks over the jugular vein?", a maid announces: "Countess Zalenska!"
- Impersonating an Officer: Dr. Garth poses as a Scotland Yard operative at one point.
- Lesbian Vampire: Probably the original cinematic example.
- Love Triangle: Among Janet, Dr. Garth, and Marya.
- Mind Control Device: Marya's ring.
- My Nayme Is
- Our Vampires Are Different
- Punctuated Pounding
- Purple Prose: Marya, burning her "father's" body:
"Unto Adonai and Astaroth, into the keeping of the lords of the flame and lower pits, I consign this body, to be for evermore consumed in this purging fire. Be thou exorcised, o Dracula, and may thy body, long undead, find destruction throughout eternity in the name of thy dark unholy Master.”
- The Renfield: Sandor.
- Sassy Secretary: Janet.
- Scream Discretion Shot
- The Shrink: Our hero.
- Those Two Guys: Cowardly constable Albert and his superior, Sgt. Hawkins, who provide some comic relief early in the film.
- Title Drop
Marya: "Yes. I am Dracula's daughter."
- Tragic Monster
- Upper Class Twit: Garth's friend, Sir Aubrey
- The Von Trope Family: As you can tell by now, Van Helsing's name is inexplicably turned into Von Helsing.
- Woman in Black: Marya.
- You're Insane!: Dr. Garth says this to Marya when she says that she has kidnapped Janet to enlist his aid.
- You Would Make a Great Model: Marya invites a pretty young girl to model for a portrait and then attacks her.