Doug's 1st Movie
Doug's 1st Movie (also known as The First Doug Movie Ever) is a 1999 animated film based on the Disney version of the Nickelodeon television series. The film was directed by Maurice Joyce, and stars the regular television cast of Tom Mc Hugh, Fred Newman, Chris Phillips, Constance Shulman, Frank Welker, Alice Playten, and Guy Hadley. It was produced by Jumbo Pictures and Buena Vista, and released by Walt Disney Pictures on March 26, 1999.
The film delivers a Green Aesop and revolves around Doug Funnie and his best friend Skeeter Valentine rescueing the The Monster of Lucky Duck Lake, Herman, from a polluted lake which has been polluted by Bill Bluff.
However, Doug gets sidetracked once he finds out that Guy Graham has intentions of asking his biggest crush, Patti Mayonaise, to the school dance before him. Now Doug is stuck between his true love and avoiding exposing Herman.
What will he choose? THAT should be hard to figure out.
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- Absentee Actor:
- Animation Bump:
- Award Bait Song:
- Big Damn Movie:
- Demoted to Extra:
- Digital Destruction:
- Direct to Video:
- Green Aesop: