< Don't Meddle With My Daughter

Don't Meddle With My Daughter/Headscratchers


The Family Tree?

  • Get ready for this mishmash of a family...
    • From the top, Athena and Zenovia were best friends from back in the floating city of Goddesses. Both of them showed great promise to become the future queen someday. Then one day, Zenovia went down to Earth to prevent a volcano from erupting. When she was caught in the blast, it activated the 8th Wonder and showed her a glimpse into the future. A future where someone (whom she thought was Athena) became Queen, meanwhile SHE was imprisoned. When the vision ends, Zenovia goes on a rampage and then leaves the city of Goddesses, but during her descent she gets shot down by a missile and captured by the Japanese government. They try to uncover the secret to her powerful body, but are unable to do so, and thus resort to forcing her to mate with various villains and monsters they had captured in an effort to breed an army of super soldiers. When she's supposedly pregnant with her final child, she begs her captors to let her keep it and deliver it safely, and in exchange she would do anything they wanted her to. They agreed, and had her pose as a super villain to demonstrate the various weapons they were developing thanks to all the experiments. At this point, Athena had descended to the surface to chase after Zenovia, and when she encountered her, she took it upon herself to fight to thwart her as the super hero "8th Wonder". As she struggled during the early days, she encountered a man named BM the Shooter who she fell in love with, married, and was impregnated by. Then, there was an incident where Blowjob sent a bomber carrying a doomsday weapon toward Tokyo, but BM the Shooter had managed to infiltrate it and destroy it from the inside (seemingly) sacrificing his life for the greater good. Athena then went on a final drive/rampage that wiped out the remains of Blowjob to the point where she had Zenovia cornered and at her mercy, but upon discovering that Zenovia was pregnant, spared her life and made her promise to raise the child right... Zenovia retired from villainy and Athena retired from super heroism.
    • Cut to 18 years later - Athena's daughter Clara began working as the new 8th Wonder fighting against the newly revived Blowjob organization. We find out that the child Zenovia had been pregnant with was Point Blank, AND that all the other children she had given birth to thanks to the government's experiments were alive and had been tossed away by the government and struggling to survive, thus Zenovia took lead of them and re-formed Blowjob to get revenge on the government. Point Blank is entrusted with the mission of defeating the original 8th Wonder, Athena, but after numerous attempts he ends up seemingly betraying the organization in order to try and complete the mission. As he is about to be executed, he and Athena are caught in a powerful beam that activates Athena's 8th Wonder Power: Time Travel. They enter a time stream together, but are separated midway. Athena emerges on the very day that her husband BM the Shooter was going to die, so she goes straight to the airship, breaks in, and reaches her husband. Only to find out that BM the Shooter was actually Point Break! As it turns out, when they were separated in the time stream, he was flung 2 years further back in time where he met her younger self, and thus HE was actually her husband BM the Shooter, and Clara was HIS daughter. When they return to their normal time, they reveal that Zenovia was Clara's grandmother AND that the queen she likely saw from her trip to the future was probably Clara (which it was), AND the circumstances for her (supposed) imprisonment were actually self-inflicted: Zenovia decided to take responsibility and stay with her children (the other babies she had from the government's experiments) under house arrest in the floating city, and seemed very happy to be with her family in peace.
    • In short, Zenovia is Clara's grandmother (despite being around the same age as Athena), Point Blank (Zenovia's son) is actually Athena's Husband/Clara's father (despite being just 2 years older than Clara), and just about all the super villains in Blowjob are (unknown to all of them) Clara's aunts and uncles.

Who/What the hell is Lady Death Stinger?

  • She's essentially Zenovia's second in command, and the one who actually brought her the information that brought her (Zenovia) out of retirement to resurrect the Blowjob criminal organization for revenge. However, we barely learn anything about her. Why did she seek out Zenovia? Where did she know her from before that? How did she get the information that she had on Zenovia's other children? Some of the few scraps of information we get are that she apparently had her own reasons to seek vengeance alongside Zenovia and the others, if not moreso. The one time we see her face it looks as though she had scorpion like appendages surrounding her face (she looks like a woman's face inside the mouth of a Predator), so at least we know she got the name from more than just her belly tattoo.

How to Hypnotize a Hero?

  • Mind control comes into play a few times in the story, both in the original 3 volumes and the hentai sequels. However, the rules for hypnotizing seem to jump around a bit.
    • Puppet Master, a villain who uses micro-machines to control people is able to take control of Clara and send her on a violent rampage through the city AND N.U.D.E. headquarters. However, Puppet Master is thwarted and subsequently hypnotized by Commander Anna, aka the former super villain "Phantasmagoria" who possesses a super powerful hypnotic eye. Although her hypno eye is powerful, apparently it doesn't work on Athena at all.
    • Then, at one point Blowjob captures Athena and Artemis and subjects them to sexual torture to break them down and control them. Even inserting special dildos in both holes for each of them that cause any sensation (touch, smell, sound, taste, sight, and even pain) to be converted into sexual pleasure to control them, and it works!?
      • One MIGHT be able to argue that it was a matter of sensory overload, rather than direct mind control.
    • Something similar to that happens to Clara twice: First is when she destroys an alien monster, but ends up under the influence of a phallic alien parasite which sends her into a sexual frenzy that leads her to raping her best friend multiple times, pretty much EVERYBODY in the N.U.D.E. organization (hero and normal human alike), and even her own mother Athena (whom she uses her super speed on to such a degree that she is able to physically be in more places at once to have a 1-person orgy/gangbang with her mother and several copies of herself). The second time is when a statue of Yanuesu starts warping the minds of some of the girls around Clara's school turning them into villains. When Clara confronts the statue directly it puts her under its influence and covers her with "spirit leather" which she uses to encase Artemis in, and then form a strap-on which she uses to rape the hero Blue Skull, and then she has sex with (and gives her virginity to) her best friend Mei who took the spirit leather strap-on which (along with the destruction of the statue) releases her from its influence.

Clara's First Time Story

  • Under normal circumstances I wouldn't really bother with explaining this kind of thing, but considering a sizable chunk of the entire series premise is about how Athena goes to great lengths to protect her daughter from being sexually harassed, raped, and yes having her chastity soiled by some villain or monster, it's kind of ironic that the first sequel story AFTER the first 3 official volumes, is basically the events leading to Clara losing her virginity: AMAZING 8th Wonder. And as previously mentioned, it's one of the most complicated "first time" stories ever. Here goes...
    • Clara and Athena are fighting an alien creature and manage to kill it, but they also notice that the creature's dick was gone after they killed it. As it turns out, it had actually been a phallic parasite that possessed the creature, but upon the alien creature's defeat, it secretly attached itself to Clara. It began causing her to go into heat and arousal which tipped over the edge when she saw her friend Mei (who she had suppressed feelings for) bend over and unintentionally flash her panties. She then pins Mei down and starts having sex with her (technically speaking, this would count as Clara's first sexual experience overall... and it was as a "male", to boot. Meanwhile that was Mei's first sexual experience too (and yes it was in the feminine role, so her hymen was pierced). The thing is though... Neither Clara nor Mei remembered this experience at all. At least not consciously. Apparently, by the time the incident was resolved, neither one of them remembered it, because Clara had been under the parasite's control and Mei doesn't remember her time whenever her super powered form is active. However, the two of them both begin having dreams about them both having sex (with Clara filling the "male" role once again). After a while, there's an incident where a strange statue activates and possesses some of the students at the school, as Clara goes to destroy the source of the disturbance, she ends up under its influence, because it awakens her pent up desires to become one with Mei. When Mei shows up, she hears Clara pouring her heart out about wanting to tell her everything, that she was in love with her, and yes that she wanted to become one with her. She wondered if that was weird since they were both girls, Mei takes off her mask and reveals her identity to Clara. They then kiss and begin to make out, and then it escalates to Mei taking the spirit leather strapon from Clara and tells her she wanted to take Clara's virginity, which Clara responds "It's Okay If It's You", and thus they begin making love (which would be counted as Mei's first time as the "male" and Clara's first time "female" and therefore when her hymen is pierced. And THAT is how Clara's super powered cherry was popped (essentially twice).
    • Another interesting bit is that afterward, not only do they remember it, but they officially become a couple, AND Clara basically asks Mei to marry her. In the sense that, Clara figured that eventually she was going to be appointed Queen of the Goddesses and would ascend to the floating city, and although that day was far off, she asks Mei if when that day finally came... If she would come with her. The look on Mei's face shows a definite "yes". In fact, a few years later we come to find out that they did exactly that!

Clara and Athena's Secrets for Keeping Secrets

  • Supposedly one of the powers Athena AND Clara have is super senses, such as enhanced hearing, x-ray vision, etc. HOW THE HELL THEN do they manage to keep secrets from one another?
    • HOW did Athena not know her daughter was doing super hero work behind her back for almost a year, and didn't find out until she saw her on the news a year after Clara's start?
      • N.U.D.E. could have been working to help with the cover up, but still. All the signs WERE there.
    • HOW did Clara NOT KNOW that her mother was the original 8th Wonder? Where the hell did she think she got her powers from? Thin air?
      • There's even a few times when Athena rescues Clara, yes as the original 8th Wonder, and she even SPEAKS to Clara, but Clara doesn't recognize her. Not her body, not her haircut, and NOT EVEN HER MOTHER'S VOICE.
      • There was also a time when her friends in N.U.D.E. were talking to her about the original 8th Wonder, and one of them mentions the idea that Athena might be the original 8th. Clara just laughs in disbelief... Meanwhile the friends whisper to themselves "How does she NOT know her mother was the original 8th Wonder still?" "Is she an idiot?" HOW did Clara not hear that?!
      • When Athena shows up as the brainwashed villain "DeepThroat", Clara doesn't recognize her, despite the outfit being hardly any clothes and a mask over Athena's eyes. Even Point Blank calls her an idiot for not immediately recognizing her own mother.
    • HOW did Clara not know that her best friend Mei was the super powered "Honey-chan"?
      • It's possible that Mei's powers could negate Clara's x-ray vision, but there's no full explanation.
  • Come to think of it, the public is even WORSE at figuring it out. Their "disguises" are even less than Superman Clark Kenting with just a pair of glasses. For Clara AND Athena, there is NO disguise, just a change of clothes, and their faces are NEVER hidden by masks, wigs, glasses, or anything of the sort. The public even has photographs of both of them, so how they are never identified really IS a mystery.
    • Even Clara's classmates (aside from Mei, who had to actually WITNESS Clara changing into her super hero outfit and fly off) don't know that Clara and 8th Wonder (or at least the new one) are the same person. Either they're tossing the Idiot Ball around like a mass juggling act or everyone is just blind as bats.
      • What really makes it even more confusing is that the student council president at one point decides to try and be a super hero too. She doesn't have powers, but using her wealth and influence, she dresses like a hero, gets some equipment (like tasers and ropes and such), took it upon herself to patrol the school and discipline those she considered "criminals". Except that everybody knew it was her and someone even confronts her about it, but she waves it off (up to that point, the students let her go on with her charade, because they didn't really care).

How to name an organization? Or rather, how NOT to?

  • With N.U.D.E., it's thought of as embarrassing by some characters, but at least it's an acronym. Whereas with the criminal organization "Blowjob"... That kind of went without saying. Literally. There's not much of an explanation as to why it got that Unfortunate Name, except from speculation based on the fact that many of the members commit acts of sexual harassment and even straight up rape.
    • An extra layer of Headscratchers comes in when you find out that BOTH organizations were originally founded by the Japanese government. With N.U.D.E. being a super hero/villain defense organization, and "Blowjob" being a secret organization for testing experimental weapons.

Queen of the Goddess, Qualifications?

  • So apparently, the Floating City of the Goddesses, Piper Piere, is where Athena, Zenovia, and Artemis all originally came from, and the way things work there is that everyone there is female, and the way their abilities manifest is that given time and training, they acquire special powers or as they refer to them "wonders". Unlocking 7 wonders makes one a candidate for ascending the throne as the next queen, AND there is also a legendary 8th Wonder that can also be unlocked. HOWEVER, where things get sort of confusing is the fact that apparently, there's a rule to where, if one should ever have sex with a man (whether it was consensual or not), they are disqualified from being a queen's candidate. Why?
    • One possible reason could be to prevent humans from ascending to positions of power among them (which as this series likes to demonstrate, is probably for the best), or perhaps it's to ensure that the title of queen never becomes locked into a single lineage/family amongst the goddesses.
    • As things were, the current queen had held the throne for over 200 years and was looking to retire, but the only known candidates currently available were Athena (disqualified for having sex with her husband), Zenovia (disqualified for going on a berserk rampage in the floating city AND for being raped by villains/monsters by the government), and Artemis (unable to unlock the 7th wonder, AND eventually raped by Blowjob).
      • What's also interesting is that Clara, despite being so young, became a candidate by unlocking the 7 wonders without even realizing what it meant to do so, especially since she was on her own without any training or knowledge about any of it. When she learns the full story, she figured (correctly) that she would eventually be called upon to ascend the throne and be the next queen, and sure enough it later DOES happen, despite the fact that she had actually had lost her virginity to Mei who used her "spirit leather" to form a strapon to use when they made love. In fact, it gets even weirder when you find out that Clara asks Mei to go with her when she would eventually ascend the throne as the new queen, AND we find out later that they actually go through with it. Were other queens allowed to do that? Why are queens not allowed to have sex with men, but they can with other women?

Super Genes?

  • Relationships in this series are complex enough, but good luck with working out the genetics too:
  • For starters, Point Blank, and many of the other villains in Blowjob are known to be children of Zenovia AND various monsters, villains, and creatures that Zenovia was raped by due to the government's secret experiments to create super soldiers.
    • Yes, those children seem to have super powers of varying type and strengths, but the question is... Who did they get them from? Did the powers come solely from Zenovia? Or just their "fathers"? Or were their powers mutations and combinations of both? Shouldn't this mean the female children of Zenovia are actually of "goddess" blood and therefore have access to the powers known as the "8 Wonders"? (They're never shown to, but shouldn't they?)
  • Clara, and the other children Athena gives birth to... Who are all her and Point Blank's children, (Point Blank turns out to be one of Zenovia's children too.) Inherited "goddess" genes from Athena giving them access to the 8 Wonders, AND it's also shown that Clara (and presumably her siblings) inherited Point Blank's psychic bullet powers too.
  • How are Athena's children able to have such consistent genes, whereas Zenovia's aren't? That's not in the sense of them having different fathers being the cause, it's that NONE of Zenovia's children seem to have inherited being able to develop ANY of the "8 wonders", whereas ALL of Athena's are.
    • It's entirely possible while Zenovia was being sexually tortured it damaged her on some genetic level. In Real Life, having multiple pregnancies can cause complications for later children down the line, and Zenovia was forced to have way more than is usually healthy for any woman, and that's not even taking into account what else she might have suffered during her torture.
      • Fair enough, but at the same time, she didn't actually give birth to ANY of the other babies she was pregnant with apart from Point Blank. The rest of them were removed from her uterus as soon as she first became pregnant and then were born artificially. Perhaps THAT has something to do with it.

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