< Don't Be Afraid of the Dark

Don't Be Afraid of the Dark/YMMV

  • Complete Monster: Those voices from behind that basement grate that say they want to be your friends? Yeah, they belong to small, monkey-goblin creatures that have gleefully murdered two people before you met them, not to mention they're extremely sadistic and homicidal. Oh, and they seem very interested in your teeth...
  • Fridge Logic: Y'know, kids' teeth fall out on their own. There's no need to get psychotically hostile about it.
    • Bolting the grate shut is well and good, but why not pour concrete in there until it's full?
  • Hot Dad: Guy Pearce as Alex Hirst.
  • Narm - The teaser trailer of the film featured over-the-top narration by one of the creatures. Instead of being scary, it ended up hilarious.
    • The creatures lapse into this quite a bit in the movie, mostly because they do not shut up ever. And sound kind of like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings
      • And are small enough to punt across the room.
    • The second time the homunculi attempted to stab someone in the eye, and missed.
  • Nightmare Fuel: ...That trailer. One of the scariest ever televised!
  • Tear Jerker: Sally leaving the picture of her and Kim in the house after all's said, finally telling Kim she loves her. Kim's fate at the end, becoming one of the things in the cellar, and waiting for the next victim to come, makes it worse. That the picture is a sweet drawing of Sally and Kim smiling and holding hands under a tree makes it worse.
  • Ugly Cute: Well, of course the Homunculi are hideous, frightening, murderous creatures. But they're also very small and like to patter around. When they aren't screaming, they sort of resemble monkeys.
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