Disgaea: Gehenna's Holy Queen/Characters
This is the character sheet for Disgaea: Gehenna's Holy Queen. It's heavily under construction. Major spoilers will be hidden, but minor spoilers will not, and may in fact be put in without warning to capitalize on those overattentive folks who like planting Epileptic Trees for Wild Mass Guessing.
Gehenna Residents
Konoka Konoe
The main character of the story—finding herself forcibly transformed into a demon, and a powerful overlord at that, Konoka must adjust to her new life while dealing with both new friends and new enemies, as well as put herself under control before she might doom the world.
- Combat Medic: While not necessarily combat trained, she does one-shot mooks, hold her own against greater foes.
- Cursed with Awesome/Blessed with Suck: Her healing abilities haven't disappeared on her, and as a matter of fact, gotten much stronger. A slight aversion in the fact that she doesn't mind being a demon, but is worried about losing control. As for Blessed with Suck, see Power Incontinence below.
- Determinator
- Extraordinarily Empowered Girl: Notable that, while superpowered more than this trope suggests, she can't use them to heavy extent due to the threat of Power Incontinence.
- Healing Shiv: Gone are her fans. She uses her powers directly.
- Holy Hand Grenade: Unique in that her spells heal allies as well as hurt enemies at the same time.
- Love Freak: Now with Flonne!
- Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant: A little more intentional than her time as a human.
- Power Incontinence: High emotional duress? Enjoy an aura strong enough to shake and brighten the entire castle. And lest we forget, the castle is already painted white. It's what almost convinced Flonne and Raspberyl that the world ending prophecy against her is true.
- Slapstick Knows No Gender: Courtesy of Adell and Dynamis.
Satsuki Yotsuba
The only other 3-A graduate. She wasn't close to Konoka during the Mahora days, but quickly befriended her afterwards, and is concerned about her welfare. Due to her concern, is a bit less laid back than in canon.
- Adaptational Badass: Now willing to take part in fights, once she has her pactio with Konoka.
- Badass Pacifist: Not even afraid of Setsuna vs. Cygnus or Priere.
- Chef of Iron: A Type 2: Improbable Weapon User.
- Only Sane Man: She's trying to blend in with a bunch of Noble Demons.
- Seeker Archetype: Because something's wrong with Konoka and she wants to find out what.
- Supreme Chef: Still has it, though her self esteem took a hit while a hostage to Sir Sweet.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Does not understand her feelings for Konoka. Not one bit.
Lunzard Torque
The mad scientist, and the reluctant third part of the Power Trio. Since he was number two to the previous overlord of Gehenna, who was more or less a charismatic but dangerous despot, his goodness is in question.
- Expy: Heavily based off of Dr. Robotnik.
- Even Evil Has Standards: He cites this as his reason why he doesn't want to continue the late Zegnant's policies.
- The Evil Genius: For Zegnant.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Mad Scientist
- Original Character
- Serious Business/The Comically Serious: A natural extension of his moodiness.
A heartfelt heroine. She and Konoka get along smashingly, and Flonne is always ready to help with pet projects. She, Konoka, and Priere make up the only three known practitioners of holy spells.
- Love Freak: Same as always.
Along with Kyoko and Asuka, Beryl also visited to check on Konoka, and made quick friends. Feeling that Konoka was threatened by Priere's presence, Beryl and her cronies moved in. She also seems to encourage Satsuki whenever the latter is concerned over Konoka's changes.
Overlord Priere
A vicious overlord who likes fighting. Intrigued by Konoka's power, she stuck around, interested in seeing her fight and perhaps training her—in her own twisted way. She's not very popular, though. It could be questioned on just how evil she is, having been reminded of her human years when around Konoka and Friends' camaraderie.
Anise (The Cat Witch)
An axe-wielding witch with a major crush on Laharl. Is apparently good friends with Lucas.
- Ax Crazy: More literally, dood!
- Deadpan Snarker: A bit more than she is in canon, due to being offput by Konoka's personality.
- Hypocritical Humor: Seen in her bickering with Lucas over their respective massive crushes.
- Squishy Wizard
Minor Original character, plays the stable, idealist foil to Anise's more volatile but cynical antics. Has a secret crush on someone.
- Hypocritical Humor: Seen in his bickering with Anise over their respective massive crushes.
- Original Character
- Wide-Eyed Idealist: Enamored of Konoka's kindness quite quickly...
Turmeric of the Phoenix Clan
A boastful but weak human warrior. Very fond of speaking with italics.
- Epic Fail: Tried to attack Ars Goetia. Leap attacked into a table.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Large Ham
- Ted Baxter
A hulking demon that serves as Gehenna's Dimension Guide. She once looked closer to a cleric before Zegnant cursed her appearance. She is actually thankful, as she is now deadly competent enough to open portals with just one well timed fist.
- Cursed with Awesome: As she acknowledges.
- Original Character
- The Stoic
- Teleporters and Transporters
The former Big Bad that ruled Gehenna... until Konoka sent him packing with a one-way trip to non-existence.
- For the Evulz: From what we know.
- Original Character
- Posthumous Character
- Torture Technician
Ars Goetia
The Obstructive Bureaucracy that barely survived Konoka's rampage three years ago. There are only nine surviving members, with three of them being the only ones serving court. But there's quite a few familiar faces here...
King of Dust
The de facto leader. A zombie dragon, although far different in looks than the Disgaea variety. Frighteningly immortal and lawfully evil.
- Dracolich
- Original Character
- Pragmatic Villainy (the sole reason everyone else doesn't attempt to boss fight him on the spot)
- Retired Monster (Only stopped from screwing over Gehenna thanks to Prinny K)
- Voice of the Legion
Yui Shizuka
A playful spider woman who nevertheless keeps everyone at arm's length.
Birdbrained but powerful demon lord. She's very similar in looks to someone...
Prinny Konoemon
Mysterious but highly powerful Prinny. Fought and defeated the King of Dust 1 and 1/2 years ago to earn his place in Ars Goetia. Seems highly concerned about Konoka's welfare.
- Almighty Janitor: He might be one of the strongest on Ars Goetia, but he is still a Prinny, and gave up an opportunity to go to Celestia for it.
- Cool Old Guy
- Hero of Another Story: Mentions he fought in Gehenna one and a half years ago, akin to the Prinny games.
- Surrounded by Idiots
Actually from the Disgaea 3 manga. A very matronly and elegant demon, her motives for joining Ars Goetia are unknown.
- The Dragon: To Big Bad Imamiah.
- Ninja Maid
- The Shadow Knows: She has a slightly wild shadow.
- The Stoic
- Voluntary Shapeshifter
- Red Right Hand She always emits an aura that bleeds darkness.
Mana Tatsumiya
Left Mahora some time ago to continue her studies at the demon academy, though she frequently visits Mahora. Opted to serve Ars Goetia to pay respect to Konoka.
Wilhelm Von Hermann
Apparently, still a well-mannered demon, who believes Konoka still has the power to restore the village he stoned 9 years ago.
Greeted Konoka with a miraculous punch to the face. While good at heart, he's probably neutral to Konoka's plight.
Adell's significant other, and also joining Ars Goetia more for job necessity than any real motive. Is probably not going to understand this yuri business at all. ("Who the hell likes yuri in a Nippon Ichi game?")
Ala Alba
Negi Springfield
Not as much main character as he used to be, and puberty is absolutely cruel to a man who must stay pure. Still, he keeps going.
- Casting a Shadow: Magia Erebea, the power of darkness.
- Papa Wolf: Yep, still has this in spades.
- Shock and Awe
- Straight Man: To Mao's jokes in Konoka's heart.
Thinks Mahora is a playground too awesome for his own good, but nevertheless becomes concerned with helping Ala Alba once he figures out that Raspberyl has been in contact with their presumed dead friend.
- Deuteragonist
- For Science!: "I'm going to get to the bottom of the mystery that is Konoka Konoe... in the name of SCIENCE!" It eventually becomes his Catch Phrase.
- Large Ham: Never change, Mao.
- Mad Scientist: Complete with disregard for people's personal space.
- Seeker Archetype: Unlike Satsuki, Mao's motives stem on curiosity and FOR SCIENCE!
An Enigmatic Minion who joins Mao shortly before he discovers Mahora. And it looks like he's up to something—to the point that Mao lets him join solely because he wants to find out what that something is. Something of a Straight Man to Mao's meta-posturing about evil whenever it comes up.
- Casting a Shadow: Manipulates Darkness, both the all encompassing Dark Magic and the Shadow abilities.
- Dragon with an Agenda
- Expy: A parody Xehanort's Heartless..
- Original Character
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Want to help Setsuna rebuild Konoka, and she's taking too long? Evict her by force. Didn't work though...
Nodoka Miyazaki
While she's still a shy bookworm at heart, her courage points have only grown in three years. The bad news is that Haruna rubs off on her from time to time.
Asagi Asagiri
You bet this lead-in-game seeking fourth wall breaking heroine has wormed her way in. Unexpectedly, though, after getting beaten for a hostile takeover attempt, she decided to stick around and develop her character. One of the few Ala Alba referential that still regularly breaks the fourth wall.
- Meta Girl
- Guns Akimbo
- No Fourth Wall: Much to the rest of Ala Alba's confusion.
Ala Umbra
Not wanting to be left out of the conflict, Laharl sets up his own base of operations nearby, and even picks up some old faces along the way.
Same old awesome Evil Overlord, same old goals of being a jerk and getting away with it. However, upon meeting certain people, he realizes that perhaps he might need to lay off his cameo personality and remember what he learned from the first game.
- A Child Shall Lead Them: Has taken over Cosmo Entelecheia and Ala Rubra despite their differences.
- Beneath the Mask: Etna notes how he's showing more maturity when he talks to Imamiah.
- Berserk Button: Most of them remain, but he doesn't like taking a smack from his subordinates, even if that got him a powerful ally.
- Celibate Hero: Not all pleased about walking into Iza and Nami....
- Evil Laugh: He wouldn't be Laharl otherwise!
- Tsundere: Claims not to be worried about Flonne after she's been elsewhere for a while. Etna doesn't by it.
While still Laharl's faitful number 2, she is restless and isn't impressed by his latest plan (until Laharl explains why he had Flonne visit Konoka as an emissary). She's more or less along for the ride now.
- Action Girl
- Dangerously Genre Savvy
- Deadpan Snarker
Nagi Springfield
Where has the great Thousand Master been all this time? Fighting demons of course! So much that he hates them, especially after they've targeted his son. Leave it to Laharl to change his ways! ...oh, and Arika too.
- Idiot Hero: Being over forty hasn't notably matured him? Takes this in stride when talking to Ozonne.
- He Who Fights Monsters: His initial hatred of demons approached Super Hero Aurum levels before Laharl, and then Arika, smacked him sense into him. Resentment still remains, though.
- The Lancer
Arika Enteofuschia (Springfield)
Due to unknown events, Arika is no longer human—but much of her personality has remained. She pretty much upends Nagi's loathing of demons for the most part, and has been quietly serving Etna (and Laharl) during the events of Disgaea 1 and 2. She's now a scout class, and has toughened up her sword skills to boot.
- Implausible Fencing Powers: Able to hold her own against Salvatore of all people, despite being weaker. Related to...)
- Royal Rapier: Despite being a thief class, Arika has this as her main weapon.
- Took a Level In Badass: Came with the territory of becoming a demon.
The Erinyes
A band of odd fallen angels, who seem wholly different from Flonne...
They have some tropes that apply to all of them, which includes:
- Laser-Guided Karma: They actually have this as a power.
- One-Gender Race
- Original Characters: But the duos follow an expy theme of notable couples.
- Gallows Humor
Leader of the Erinyes movement, who boasts inconceivable powers and dangerous intelligence. She develops a crush on Konoka after the latter shows an act of mercy on one of the former's troops.
- Affably Evil: Towards Ala Umbra at least, in particular Laharl.
- Big Bad
- Faux Affably Evil
- Fallen Angel: One of the originals.
- Villainous Crush: Exacerbated by the fact that she sounds just like Setsuna.)
- Wicked Cultured: Her ship, the Sagen.
The Erinyes who failed to assassinate Konoka. For failing at her job, she seems rather relaxed. Maybe...
- Assassin Outclassin': No, she did not expect Konoka to catch her poison arrow and render it useless by outhealing the damage.
- Expy: While the personality is more meek, looks and powers are a nod to Akemi Homura.
Poised Erinyes who blows off Turmeric and challenges Raspberyl. Went down suspiciously easily.
A ruthless Erinyes with frightening punching power, and thanks to a certain magic, uses Elemental Powers with her fists. Did not take Lirael's defeat very well at all.
- Expy: Mari to Lirael's Hagino.
- Hot-Blooded
- Power Fist
- Kung Fu Wizard
She encountered Flonne, but fled to destinations unknown, seems polite and less inclined to fight.
- Expy: Personality-wise, Madoka to Houki's Homura.
A quiet servant who's a grade stronger than the other Erinyes. Attacks Konoka directly.
- Expy: Fate.
- Fragile Speedster
- Shock and Awe
- Sinister Scythe: With some shout out attacks borrowed from Death.
The seemingly jolly opposite to Iza. Highly affectionate to her, highly vicious to Konoka.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Casting a Shadow: Darkness powered by despair!
- Expy: Because the author likes NanoFate shipping, naturally there needed to be a Nanoha.