< Darwin's Soldiers

Darwin's Soldiers/Trivia

  • Creator Backlash - Serris has explicitly stated that he hates the rebooted Furtopia RP and an ending will not be written. When asked what he hated about it, he had this to say:

Serris: One of the characters is a Fur-dragon in a diaper! Scenes of diaper changing and baby care do not fucking belong in a dark high octane RP! And of course, it under-emphasized the role that the terrorists played in the invasion and gave too much spotlight to the rogue scientists.

  • Flip-Flop of God - Serris is inconsistent on what the meat in this universe is. He has said that anthro and "normal" animals exist and eating "normal" animals was acceptable. But he has also said to assume that all meat is seafood.
  • The Other Darrin - Has occurred several times. The most prominent examples are Corporal Stern and Aydin, who were originally played by Noname and later portrayed by Serris and LettuceBacon&Tomato
  • One of Us - The GM, Serris and the most prolific author of the Expanded Universe stories, LettuceBacon&Tomato are avid tropers.
  • What Could Have Been - The first RP was planned to feature an interdimensional battle but it was scrapped after Serris decided that the potential for narm outweighed the potential for coolness.
  • Word of God - there are plenty of smaller proclamations but there are is major one.
    • The anthropomorphic animals are not created from humans; they were merely "there" alongside them.
  • Darwin's Soldiers is the only online RPG LettuceBacon&Tomato has ever participated in. He's stated that once it's over, he'll never play another one.
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