Dark Ages
"Dark Ages" is a term for the period in European history from the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 to circa 1000, where there was relatively little intellectual development culturally.
You may be interested in the following pages:
- Dark Age Europe, for the historical period as a setting of fiction.
- The Dark Age of Comic Books, a period from 1986 to the late 1990s during which comic books trended toward Darker and Edgier content
- Dark Ages, a 1991 Britcom
- Dark Ages, a 1991 MS-DOS game developed by Scenario Software and published as Shareware by Apogee Software
- Dark Ages, a 1999 MMORPG by Nexon and Kru Interactive
See also:
- Dork Age, a period in a franchise where a dramatic change of direction or style failed to gain traction with the audience
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