< Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures
Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures/YMMV
- Acceptable Targets: Soap operas
- Angst? What Angst?
- Apparently, Mink's mother was murdered by an adventurer. Mink got over it.
- Heavily suggested to exist in universe with the fae; justified by their near immortality.
- Non Sequitur Scene: In one strip, a reader noted that Lorenda had fallen Out of Focus. Yeah.
- Complete Monster: Destania, as seen in Abel's backstory/side comic qualifies, what with earnestly proposing using babies as test subjects for lethal class demonstrations at the Succubus Academy, killing and raping who know's how many thousands. She's not above manipulating her own son into killing Dark Pegasus again; to be fair, it's something Dan would want to do anyway.
- See also the rather terrifying doctor at SAIA...
"My tea tastes like joy now. How horrid."
- The last one is debatable, actually. He seems to have a rather nasty sense of humor and a lack of empathy, but so far his behavior has merely been callous rather than harmful.
- He also appears in the Foxfire Chronicles [dead link]
, where he states outright that he's pure evil and the protagonist is really scared of him [dead link]
(and he was unconscious while Ink was working on him).
- That might not necessarily be the same version of the character, though; it's not inconceivable that the Ink appearing in DMFA is just based on the original Ink (or that he was originally supposed to be the same character but took on a life of his own). Not like Amber hasn't done that before.
- Doctor Ink is also the most evil thing Abel can imagine. Of course, the most evil thing Matilda can imagine is apparently a stack of pancakes (with syrup! Mwahaha!) so that may not be an entirely reliable measure.
- Consider that Abel is Aniz' son, and had to watch his father murder his family and friends, causing an incredible amount of emotional trauma...and Abel thinks of Dr. Ink as the most evil thing he's ever met.
- Then again being dead may well disqualify Aniz.
- And then there's Aniz...
- It's important to note that while Aniz (apart from having an unexpectedly sympathetic backstory) is guilty of kidnapping, manslaughter, and almost impossible-to-gauge emotional trauma, his actions are downright mild compared to many of his brethren—he mainly differs in that we've actually seen him at it.
- According to Fo, he's a worse parent than the clan that snatches babies for a living. Nice.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Abel.
- Very recently, Chicki.
- Mink is also working hard to be one.
- Fridge Brilliance: The fae can travel in time as easily as we'd walk down the street. That'd explain why Mab's personality varies so much—we're not seeing the same Mab every plotline.
- Growing the Beard: After Amber disappeared for most of a year around comic 73, it started actually being good and returned with some serious Art Evolution.
- Hilarious in Hindsight: The pre-Art Evolution Pokémon arc ends with the complete death of the fad. The franchise is ongoing to this day, and shows no sign of dying out.
- And then, years later, one strip is titled with a Pokémon reference. (Specifically, to canceling a pokémon's evolution by pressing B.)
- Also applies to this comic. Bonus points for guessing where her eventual first appearance in the comic is.
- Les Yay: It is noted on Seme's 'Cubi Clan Leader' profile that she and Siar were lovers when Siar was still alive.
- Tear Jerker: These two updates to Abel's Story.
- Seriously, how many tropers cried upon reading these?
- Abel's Story, PERIOD.
- Mab's final goodbye to her mother.
- Unpleasable Fanbase: Which Amber is well aware of.
- Viewer Gender Confusion: Abel in his first few appearances.
- What an Idiot!: Abel really should have known better than to shoot off snarky quips to Destania consequently pissing her off and ensuring himself a smackdown from her. This page and the few afterwards show her brutality as the head of the Terror and Pain Department of SAIA.
- The Woobie: Abel, via his tragic backstory. Jyrras also becomes this for some fans.
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