< Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures

Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures/WMG

Edward Ti'Fiona is Aniz

They look somewhat alike, and Fa'Lina told Aniz that she wouldn't accept any more of his kids into SAIA for three hundred and seventy-five years. Abel was 24 back then, now he's 399, do the math.

  • Jossed here.
    • Edward does look an awful lot like Aniz. It says that while Aniz was (supposedly) killed by Quintinga Ti'Fiona, she ALSO died in the fight. What if Quintinga died, but Aniz somehow survived and created the illusion that they had killed each other, and then Aniz offed the real Edward Ti'Fiona and took his place? Considering the title and dialog in this strip.... And then there's the fact that Aniz' clan mark is on his left forearm. And Edward's left forearm always seems to be obscured in some way....
    • But that begs the question: if Destania is more powerful than Aniz, how would he pull that one over her? I find it hard to believe she wouldn't notice at all.
    • Also, why hasn't Alexsi developed headwings?

Pip is Albanion.

It's quite clear from recent comics that Pip can enter another creature's mind, even Cubi (who have the ability to shield most thoughts, and often do). Also, Mab has known Pip for quite a while, and he's suited towards mischief. Albanion is an obvious suspect!

  • Nothing of the sort. What was made clear was that someone used an image of Pip when invading Abel's mind. The text bubbles hint that it wasn't actually Pip.
  • Further, Albanion has referred to Pip as a different person (in upside down text, third panel) here

Dan's clothes have a mind of their own and the ability to change styles and sizes.

And they think FABULOUSLY!!!! Either that or somebody had way too much free time on their hands.

  • Jossed, he's just been stealing Abel's clothes by accident.

Abel's clan feeds on guilt, as opposed to the Cyra Clan, which feeds on pain.

  • The nightmare and Abel's backstory both point towards things he wishes he could have avoided, and things he feels he could have prevented. Abel's clan marking doesn't match any of those which visibly remain, at least as far as a casual observation of the Cubi Clan manual reveals... and it seems like Abel's father went out of his way to ensure that both his wife and son would feel guilt for quite a ways to come.

Devin is Abel's half brother

Devin explained about how his father took one look at him when he was born, then walked away. Could this have been a failed attempt by Aniz to get a cubi kid? And when he saw there were no wings, he realised he'd failed, and tried again with Abel.

  • Isn't Cubi breeding almost exactly like the Diclonii? Meaning doesn't matter the parent or the attempt the kid will always be a succubus or incubus.
    • Not confirmed to be true. That seems to be groundless Fanon
      • Not groundless. It is, however, implied to be false by that very same page. So this WMG is actually plausible.
      • Nothing's implied; that page outright says the kid will nearly always be a Cubi if the other parent is a Being. If the other parent is a Demon, Mythos, etc., it's more dicey, but Devin seemed to be a Being.
      • It specifically says nearly always. Would fit, especially if Aniz was expecting his son to be cubi and he wasn't.
      • It says "Cubi half breeds only seem to work if the cubi parent is the more 'powerful' of the two... which is why beings are often a prime target." There's a lot of wiggle words in this statement. Rewording, it notes that half breeds seem to always fail when the cubi is less powerful. However, it provides no data as to the likelihood that it will succeed when the cubi is more powerful, simply that it only ever works when they are. If there's a 5% success rate when more powerful, and a 0% success rate when less powerful, the given statement remains true. We can infer that beings are usually less powerful because they are prime targets, but it makes no guarantees. Perhaps a particularly powerful being or particularly weak cubi (Aniz isn't particularly strong for a cubi, as noted in the later strips) will result in a being-cubi coupling being guaranteed to fail.

Mink is going to die horribly

He/she/it hasn't showed up in the current story yet, to my recollection, and killing off the cute, cheerful thing would fit into the Darker and Edgier motif of Abel's Story.

  • Considering the below theory, it seems more likely that Abel and Mink merely stopped hanging out. Judging by Mink's personality, maybe a Friend Zoning gone wrong is the most likely culprit.
    • Abel's Story just ended without killing Mink, so the above theory re: friend zoning is very possible. Alternately, a lot can change over three hundred years and they may just have grown apart.
      • Jossed here in the comic that claimed that Mink was killed by falling anvils.

Mink: This panel is full of lies! Don't listen to it! I'm fine!

    • That suggests plural, the death by anvils is one "lie" so the quote is also a lie.
    • We only saw the Academy for one day, so it is entirely possible that Mink and Abel are still good friends and Abel just hasn't mentioned him. He hasn't mentioned much about his life at the academy, after all.
  • Jossed. Mink is mentioned here and shows up here.
  • And the Friend Zoning is Jossed, too, in that Mink has never dated, and given Abel's rant to Wildy, he probably hasn't, either.

Dan will undergo a permanent Face Heel Turn

His mom was a monster in both senses of the word. And if Edward really is Aniz, it's inevitable.

  • This implies that eugenics works in the world of DMFA. Unfortunate implications much?
  • Meanwhile, Abel, whose father was a monster in both senses of the word, is a nice guy at heart, and is trying to kill his monster of a father. Dan turning bad seems unlikely.

Mink is * not* going to die.

The Cubi Clan Leaders arc takes place in the present, since they have computers and are aware of Dan's existence. Mink's writing the report. So yeah.

  • Is it clear how canon that arc is? Then again it doesn't seem to not be.
  • As of the end of Abel's Story, he's still around. Hooray! Now that I think about it, that should have been obvious- what are the odds, after all, of a cubi getting killed within SAIA, right under Fa'Lina's nose?

Chickie is the real hero.

Bugs are high in moral fiber.

Devin is obfuscating his personality.

...And in fact, is the same Devin from when he was alive. It's been a couple hundred years; his Jerkass'edness may have toned down some during that time, and we all know how Dark Pegasus feels about undead who retain their personalities...

  • Jossed, all undead that existed before undead gained souls have no memories of their past lives, and that includes Devin.

Aniz has been dead for centuries.

It's already been established that his little stunt stepped on a lot of toes - despite the obvious Chekhov's Gun of Fa'lina's 376-year ban, Hennya's family or some adventurer they hired killed him long ago, or the Jin or Soulstealer clan secretly used an adventurer as an assassin. Either the deadline is a complete Red Herring, or Abel's going to learn of Aniz's death with a trap nice and ready.

  • Jossed.
    • Jossed-ish. It's been decades, not centuries, but the adventurer who killed him was working on the orders of Zivnth authorities.

The series takes place in the extremely far future of Star Wars

Every race was created by Sith alchemy. There.

  • At least partially jossed, because the Fae quite clearly exist at a level beyond sith powers. Probably Dragons, too.

Cyra achieved Tri-Wing status by eating the soul of a Dragon

This is based on several known facts:

  • There is precedence for achieving tri-wing by eating souls (see Zezzuva in the Cubi Clan Leaders arc, ascended by eating the soul of her sister, the previous leader)
  • Cyra's method of ascension ticked the dragons of enough to start a war of genocide against cubis, and Cyra's own clan remains "kill on sight" even after the truce
  • Cyra is shown (in a dream, granted) to be bizarrely huge
  • Of the two forms a Dragon can take, their most famous form is bizarrely huge

Ergo: Cyra's massive size is reflective of her using a Dragon soul to achieve Tri-Wing status, likely through trickery since she wouldn't yet be strong enough to take one on in a direct fight. This enraged the Dragons so much, they started the Dragon/Cubi war in retaliation. Cyra's clan is still targeted for genocide because cooler heads covered their asses by pointing out the Cubi race as a whole was not responsible for one member's independent atrocities.

  • Not entirely Jossed, but Amber has stated that all clan leaders are bizarrely huge. To quote- "Tri-Wings are naturally really big. Usually if you are seeing a normal-sized one (like Fa'Lina), they have either shapeshifted themselves smaller...or more likely they are simply using an aspect puppet or proxy of themselves to interract with folks while their true selves are hidden elsewhere."
  • Confirmed.

When Mab says two of her five friends are going to die, she just means because they're Beings.

Of course, assuming the five friends are Dan, Alexis, Wildy, Jyrras, and Pip, that just raises further questions - namely, which of the three ostensible Beings isn't going to die, and how, and how does she know this?

  • Somehow, I don't think Pip was one. He seems like he's an Immortal Playmate, and therefore she's allowed to keep him alive forever. Merlitz, maybe?
    • Merlitz seems like a much better candidate than Pip; go back and read earlier comics, especially during Aaryanna's introductory arc, and see that Mab had a very strong connection to Merlitz. Plus the fact that he's still being mentioned indirectly (Jen showing up at Lost Lake and bemoaning his absence, for instance), as opposed to characters like Azlan, who's been Put on a Bus. Still leaves no answers as to who the supposed two are.

Wildy and Biggs are Weres

The demonology page says that "many [Weres] prefer to keep their true selves hidden," and also that they tend to be aggressive and unpredictable. It would explain her human fetish, if human form is something she's had to hide most of her life... Also, a few early appearances have Wildy much smaller than her current Shorttank height - about the size of an actual ferret? (Of course, that doesn't really mesh with keeping hidden... but Dan's never been all that observant.)

  • I'd chalk the first few appearances up to Art Evolution, but other than that...wow. It also might explain how Biggs managed to get to the top of the Twink Territories pecking order so fast.
  • The human/were member of the creature council looks suspiciously like Biggs. They've got the exact same hairstyle and bandana. Also, weres are supposed to be decent at magic, and Wildy is a magic-user.
  • The unnamed Councillor also looks like this guy.
    • Isn't that a girl?
  • I'll buy this theory. Secret page info lends credence to this as well: According to the Human page in the Demonology 101 section, humans did exist in Furre. They vanished suddenly several hundred years ago, and Weres have a different story about them and their extinction than the rest of the races do. Now, when you consider that bit of in conjunction with the fact that Wildy-San is a fan of humans, it raises a lot of implications. This is all circumspect at best, but it does make sense...

Okay, let's get some Quoar spec kicked off.

I mean...

  • Oldest clan leader.
  • Only male clan leader.
  • Willfully separated from the academy.
  • Shrouded in mystery.
  • Has a clan quirk that Abel inexplicably shares.
  • Closest we've seen to familiar incubi.

You couldn't have a more obvious Chekhov's Gunman if his clan marking were a flashing neon sign. So... perhaps he "adopted" Aniz, the same way Seme "adopted" most of the Siar? Maybe Jyrras is him in disguise, under heavy Amnesiac Dissonance?

  • To be fair, the same page talks about how any non-Quoar can have the same quirks as a Quoar; it just so happens that Quoar always have the aformentioned quirks (Combination bat-and-feather wings and Boat Lights), while it's seen as an omen if a non-Quoar has even one of those traits. If I had to guess, I'd say that the Quoar were perhaps some sort of progenitor species of Cubi. Later clans had similarities, but individual quirks, perhaps based on the fact that most Cubi tend to mate with non-Cubi. You could think of Quoar himself as sort of a Cubi equivalent to Cain; not all Cubi are of his clan, but all Cubi trace their origins back to him.e
  • I like this progenitor theory alot - in fact I'd like to go even further with it. The Demo101 page for Cubi mentions a theory that the Cubi race was formed from a union of demons and angels, and Quoar's clan has a lot of traits from both. His entire clan quirk is based around duality, about the fusion of opposites. And of course, his emotional affinity is love. Could he be one of the original, immediate descendants of a union between demons and angels?

The humans are hiding in Hishaan, under Quoar's protection

...because why not?

Matter with no magic in it would behave like Strange Matter

It kinda makes sense. It's implied that it's almost impossible to produce objects which lack magic, so why wouldn't zero-magic matter behave like strange matter, converting all other matter it comes in contact with into more zero-magic matter?

  • Further more, this is the "one of the five friends will destroy the world" thing Mab was saying.

Jyrras is going to end up with Mink.

The closest things he's had to male love interests have been Cubi, Mink points out that he's never dated in hundreds of years, his Coming Out Story is constructed to leave the audience (and Abel) less than 100% convinced he's being honest with himself, Mink's relatively feminine...

That girl that screams BISHONEN is part of clan Quoar

Her eyes may not be two colors but her wings seem to be both feather and bat-like. Granted, in the reverse of Quoar and Abel's, but it still stands.

  • She could have shapeshifted her eyes to be the same color. But then again, you could probably say something similar for the wings....

Mab has manipulated Jyrras's entire life and beyond.

If you look at the flashback where Jyrras's parents meet following the dating service mixup, you can see what looks like an orange butterfly in the background... or is it Mab's wings? It's entirely possible that Mab's plan goes back so far that she engineered Jyrras to be what he is by making sure Moira would meet Seth and fall in love instantly, resulting in the short but brilliant inventor.

That dating service messed up a lot of pairings.

Kangaroo and Kangaroo Rat, Kiwi and Komodo Dragon... anyone even want to imagine how the date went between the Koala and the Kraken?

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