Daddy's Daughters

Ждут его дома всегда...его папины дочки.
Daddy's Daughters (Папины дочки, Papiny Dochki) is a Russian Dom Com that premiered on CTC in 2007. The show is about the life of Sergei Vasnetsov (Andrei Leonov), whose wife Ludmila (Nonna Grishaeva) left him to raise their five daughters (Miroslava Karpovich, Anastasia Sivaeva, Darya Melnikova, Liza Arzamasova, and Katya Starshova) in Moscow. For a couple of years, the show kept this format, but then Ludmila returned and Sergei went home to Krasnoyarsk for a while. Eventually, they reunited and had a son, while the older daughters have begun to work or to study in universities. The show claims to be Russia's first original sitcom, and has received several awards.
Tropes used in Daddy's Daughters include:
- Bound and Gagged: Maria when she is caught by the guards in the office.
- Bouquet Toss: At Dasha's wedding in Episode 271, the bouquet goes to Sergei and Ludmila.
- Bumbling Dad
- The Bus Came Back[context?]
- Busman's Holiday: Whenever Sergei the therapist tries to make sense of his own family.
- Christmas Episode: As seen here.
- Cleaning Up Romantic Loose Ends[context?]
- The Cobbler's Children Have No Shoes: Sergei is a family therapist, but his own family is screwed up.
- Cross Cultural Kerfluffle[context?]
- Crowd Song: In Episode 91.
- Did Not Do the Research: About Goths.
- Dysfunctional Family
- Fair Cop: Galina Sergeevna, briefly.
- Fan Service[context?]
- Four-Philosophy Ensemble / Four-Temperament Ensemble
- Sanguine/Optimist: Maria (most outgoing, but also does not think too deeply
- Melancholic/Cynic: Dasha (though less so once she leaves the Goths)
- Choleric/Realist: Eugenia (most active)
- Phlegmatic/Supine/Apathetic/Conflicted: Galina Sergeevna (her character waves around a lot depending on the episode)
- Pugovka does not fit into the Cast Calculus...yet....
- The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry
- Goth: Darya.
- Gratuitous English: "Understand me?" and "No money, no honey!" in Episode 270 courtesy of Eugenia.
- Guilty Pleasure
- Hormone-Addled Teenager[context?]
- Infinite Supplies
- Large Ham[context?]
- Laugh Track
- Loads and Loads of Characters
- Massive-Numbered Siblings: Five daughters and a newborn son.
- Missing Mom: Ludmila
- Moscow: The setting of the show.
- Perpetual Poverty: Averted Trope.
- Put on a Bus: Sergei, when Ludmila returned. Also Eugenia when she became the press secretary of the Prime Minister.
- Quirky Household
- Sibling Rivalry[context?]
- Star-Making Role: For the actresses playing the girls.
- Surprise Pregnancy: For Ludmila and Dasha.
- TV Teen
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Eugenia and Galina Sergeevna, and in Real Life the actresses Darya Melnikova and Liza Arzamasova.
- Trash the Set: Dasha in Episode 173 when she leaves the Goths.
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife
- Ugly Guys Hot Daughter
- Vanity License Plate: Dasha's reads E-666-MO ("EMO-666").
- Visit By Divorced Parents
- Wedding Day: Episode 271.
- When You Coming Home, Dad?[context?]
- World of Ham
- Youngest Child Wins: Pugovka always gets the last word.
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