
Craz'd! [dead link] is a downloadable game by Hubol Gordon of Terrible Productions, released on December 4, 2009 after nine months of making it. Hubol himself compares it to having a baby.

The story is as follows: You are a small rodent-like critter who constantly glitches out, and you are exploring the vast world around you. Over the course of the game, you will fight weird bosses and monsters, gain awesome power-ups, and eventually unravel the secret of why you are here.

Raocow has done a Let's Play of this game here.

Compare to An Untitled Story.

Tropes used in Craz'd! include:
  • An Ice Person: The Chilly Pepper, gained from defeating Mr. Fridge, functions like the Hot Pepper (see Playing with Fire below), but instead you burp ice. Burning ice.
  • Apocalypse How: Class 3A. Loon's kind are apparently one of the few surviving species.
  • A Winner Is You: With One Hundred Percent Completion. Strangely averted with the normal ending, though.
  • Boss Subtitles: Parodied.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: When most bosses turn red, they become vulnerable to the protagonist's jump attack. Then there's the triple boss of the Jolands, each part of whom has a colored face vulnerable only to like-colored shots that it spews out.
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: The Save Statues, which also heal your sanity and teleport you around the world once you get the Chocolate Bar from Klyde.
  • Death Is a Slap on The Wrist: But only in Beginner Mode.
  • Dual Boss: Shock and Horror, the punctuation brothers.
  • Fetch Quest: After defeating the Doctor, two of these open up, and both task you with finding ten valuables for certain people.
  • Fission Mailed: The Doctor creates a disease that sucks out Loon's sanity energy for its power, causing Loon to die. However, in this case, Death thinks that was cheap, and allows Loon to come out and face off against the final boss.
  • Get Back Here Boss: The second part of the final boss battle.
  • Hold the Line: The first and third parts of the final boss battle.
  • In Memoriam: This game was made in loving memory of Amanda Shoemaker.
  • Level Ate: The Cheeselands and the Pea Plate.
  • Let's Play: There's one by Raocow, in the link in the description.
  • Metroidvania
  • Minigame Zone: The Crazy Carnival.
  • Playing with Fire: The Ghost's Hot Pepper allows the protagonist to burp fire.
  • Sanity Meter: Which doubles as a Life Meter in Awesome Mode.
  • Seldom-Seen Species: The dodos make an appearance in the Dodolands. They didn't really go extinct, they just went to find a better place to live!
  • Shout-Out: Sometimes, the phrase "Cat Planet" (or "palnet(s)", if you prefer) will appear.
  • Spikes of Doom: Several variations, like the shurikens, the spinning blades, the Garden's carrots, and the falling spikes from The Whoa.
  • Take That: One of the Bosses, Hannah Montana, has the subtitle "terrible singer", and looks like her disembodied head with some crudely-drawn features on it.
  • Unwinnable by Insanity: The game can become this if you forget to get the Chocolate Bar from Klyde, trap yourself in a location impossible to get out of without teleporting, and save at the statue from where you trapped yourself, if there is one.
  • The Very Definitely Final Dungeon: The Asylum. But subverted when the final boss decides to play hide and seek with our protagonist all over the game world. Then Double Subverted when you have to Hold the Line against him again where you last were.
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