< Cats Don't Dance

Cats Don't Dance/Tear Jerker

  • Sawyer's backstory. She came to Hollywood with dreams of becoming a famous singer and dancer, and even though she was clearly talented, she never got any roles (since she's not human) and had to become a secretary for a talent agency.
    • Also, once you know her backstory, a lot of her dialogue is quite depressing to listen to, especially this exchange:

Danny: What happened in there? Did I hit a sour note? 'Cause if I hit a sour note, I can go back in there! I can fix it! I can- I-

Sawyer: Danny! They don't care! Don't you get it? What is it with you? Why are you so determined to make a fool of yourself?

Danny: ...What do you mean? All I want to do is the thing I love. Doesn't everyone?

Sawyer: I- *sigh* ...It's not that simple.

Danny: It is in Kokomo.

Sawyer: Then maybe that's where you should have stayed.

  • Sawyer crying when she found Danny's list. From the beginning of the film, she thought he was a selfish know-nothing jerk.
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