< Bowser's Kingdom
Bowser's Kingdom/YMMV
- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Any scene with the Karate Duo in Bowser's Kingdom: The Movie.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: Episode 7's "commercial".
Karate Duo 1: Wii would like to play.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: The Karate Duo.
- Memetic Badass: Geno gets this treatment, at least in his own eyes.
Geno: (Upon hearing that he won't be appearing in the series because nobody would get the Super Mario RPG references) I guess I'll have to show them why I'm so... AWEEEESOOOOOOOOME!*uses the Geno Beam*
- This becomes a Brick Joke in the Halloween Episode, where one of the Alternate Endings has him come back from almost certain death to completely solo the Zombie Apocalypse.
Geno: Miss me, motherfuckers?! Now you KNOW why I'm awesome! *assumes Badass Arm-Fold*
- Too Good to Last: There were plans for more Spinoffs and the third Smash Kingdom was never fully finished.
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