Barbie: Fairytopia

Barbie: Fairytopia features Elina, a fairy who gets picked on by other fairies because she is the only fairy who doesn't have wings. When an evil fairy called Laverna starts capturing the seven guardian fairies in Fairytopia, and releases a disease that affects creatures with wings, Elina decides to go find Azura, one of the guardian fairies who has not yet been captured. Along with her pet fluffball Bibble she goes on a journey to save Fairytopia.

The first sequel, Barbie: Mermaidia, takes place shortly after the events of the first movie, where Elina, who now has wings discovers that Nalu, the merman prince she met in the first movie has been captured by Laverna's henchmen because he knows the location of a berry that grants whoever eats it immunity to all magic. Teaming up with Nori, a mermaid who has a crush on Nalu, she goes on another journey to save her friend and once again save Fairytopia from Laverna.

In the second sequel, Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow, the guardian fairies have been told to find apprentices, and the guardian fairy Azura asks Elina to be her apprentice. Elina goes to the Crystal palace where she, and six other fairies will be taught the flight of spring. However, Laverna is still seeking revenge...

Also has a side-story in the form of Barbie Mariposa, inwhich Barbie tells Bibble a story about a friend of hers, to teach him An Aesop about not being afraid.

Tropes used in Barbie: Fairytopia include:
  • Ascended Extra: Prince Nalu has a small part in the first movie, but he has a much bigger role in the sequel.
    • All the guardians also get this in Magic Of The Rainbow.
  • Baleful Polymorph: After eating a "true self" berry (thinking it was the immunity berry) at the end of the second movie, Laverna is turned into a toad.
  • Big Bad: Laverna, unique in that she retains this position across all three movies.
  • Broken Aesop: Elina is able to save the day in the first movie thanks to her unique condition of being a wingless fairy. What's her reward? To get wings, just like anyone else.
  • Chekhov's Gun: When Elina and Nori get to an underwater cave full of different berries while looking for the immunity berry, one of the berries there is a berry that reveals a person's true self, which also happens to look somewhat similar to the immunity berry. Elina later tricks Laverna's henchmen by hiding the immunity berry somewhere while giving them one of the "true self" berries. Also, the "true self" berry helps Elina turn back into a fairy after she gets stuck in mermaid form.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Elina's pretty good at pitching, isn't she? She later throws Azura's necklace at the gem in Laverna's power-stripping device, breaking it.
  • Foreshadowing: Early in the third movie, Elina meets Lumina, one of the other apprentices. Lumina has the ability to see into the future, and warns Elina that she will make a big mistake that could potentially put all of Fairytopia in danger. Later in the movie, Elina accidentally restores Laverna to her true form.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: In the third movie, Laverna shows up in her toad form, claiming that she was injured by an evil fairy. Not realizing that it is actually Laverna, Elina tries using a spell that Azura used earlier in the movie to heal the toad, and ends up restoring Laverna to her true form.
  • Our Fairies Are Different
  • Shapeshifter Mode Lock: In the second movie, Elina is told that she needs to trade her wings for a mermaid tail if she wants to be strong enough to swim through some currents, but Elina doesn't want to give up her wings as she hasn't had them for long. She is given a necklace that can allow her to become a mermaid, but if she doesn't make it out of the water before the magic in the necklace runs out, she will be stuck in mermaid form forever.
  • We Can Rule Together: Near the end of the first movie, Laverna tries to get Elina on her side by hypnotizing her and offering to give her wings if Elina puts Azura's necklace back around Azura's neck so she can obtain the powers of all the guardian fairies. Luckily, Azura manages to help Elina snap out of it and shortly afterward, Elina realizes the location of the weak point on the magical crystal Laverna is using to drain the guardian fairies of their powers.
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