< Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate/Heartwarming

  • At the end of Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Jaheira's reaction if you're in a relationship with her and decide to remain mortal. If you don't, well... that's another trope entirely.
  • No one likes Anomen, but once you make him into a paladin or whatever, he gets much, much better, where he even apologizes to Keldorn for being such a dick. Anyway the bit where he gives my a character a camelia rose always touches me... d'awwww.
    • Better yet, Aerie's dialogue in the same situation. She's been traumatised in the past by the loss of her wings, and a good part of the romance arc is about showing her that life is worth living even after that loss, and she does have the strength to go on. When offered godhood, you point out that with the power of a god, you could restore her wings. Her response? 'Forget my wings; I would rather have you'.
      • For this troper Aerie's entire romance in Throne of Bhaal.
    • After advancing Jaheira's plotline enough, rest in the wild and bandits will attack you and hold her hostage. Depending on your choices, you get a very touching scene in which Jaheira goes Tsundere and promises you she will not allow it. She will not lose a loved one again. Never again...
  • Because of his harsh personality, any moments where Korgan does show friendliness are instantly memorable.

Korgan: Yer a fine, fine lass, ye are, Imoen. That Gorion of yers would be proud!

Imoen: Aw, gee. Thanks, Korgan!

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