Bakusou Kyoudai Let's & Go!!

Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!! (The Racing Brothers! Let's & Go!!) is a 1991 manga and anime series produced by Tetsuhiro Koshita in order to promote Tamiya's mini 4wd toyline. A Spiritual Successor of Dash Yonkuro Dash! Yonkuro. It did not get an export to America or being very well known compared to other series, but Let's & Go!! was a responsible for mini 4wd trend in several contries in Europe and Asia, including Indonesia, Philippine, Italy, China, and Thailand. The story lasts three seasons: Let's & Go!, WGP, and MAX, which is a sequel to the second season featuring new protagonists and story. Bakusō Kyōdai Let's & Go!! remains a Cult Classic for many people.
The stories follows the mini-4wd racer siblings, Retsu and Go Seiba, who are different as day and night receive a couple of prototype racing machines, Sonic Saber and Magnum Saber, by the mini 4wd recearcher Professor Tsuchiya, under a condition that they will enter and win a series of mini-4wd national competition, but things appear to get worse when Prof. Tsuchiya's rival, Prof. Ohgami, a researcher who believe in the idea that racing is to destroy other cars. He send his representatives to bring chaos into 4wd racing society by turning them into battle races. Retsu and Go, along with friends and rivals they meet along their racing careers, struggle against the new trend of vicious racing to prove that the true mini-4wd racing should be the way it used to be.
The second season, WGP, is a direct sequel where The Seiba siblings and their friends are elected into a first international mini-4wd granprix in Japan. The Japan's reprentative, the TRF Victorys, led by Retsu Seiba, enter the granprix and meet many racers from around the world.
The final season, MAX, follows Gouki Ichimonji, a student of Borzoi racing school, where for the students, mini 4wd racing is to battle and destroy each other. Gouki gets sacked for not using his machine, Max Breaker, for battle racing. Gouki leaves the school and his younger brother Retsuya behind and stays with his uncle. In Gouki's racing career as, he meets Marina, a mysterious and serious girl who owns a vicious racing machine, Fire Stinger. The story follows the journey of Gouki, Retsuya, Marina to have a triumph over Borzoi academy and their immoral ways of racing.
- Absurdly Sharp Blade: Beak Spider. Its Razor Wind blade cleanly cuts through soda cans and trees.
- Aesop Amnesia: Gen realizes he can win without using a battle part, but he's back to his Ax Crazy personality in the very next episode.
- Annoying Younger Sibling: Go Seiba, Jiromaru Takaba, Chiko Mikuni.
- Awesome but Impractical: Cyclone Magnum, as it requires a running time to build up downforce and speed. It gets better.
- Butt Monkey: Tokichi. The catch is, he actually looks and sounds like a monkey.
- Call Your Car's Name: Up to Eleven with Go.
- Car Fu: Most cars made by Ogami and Borzoi academy. Diospada also has knives hidden in its front body.
- Cool Car
- Cool Old Guy: Tetshin-sensei
- Cheaters Never Prosper: Kurosawa always ends up badly when he's cheating.
- Defeat Means Friendship
- Daddy's Girl: Marina.
- Down to the Last Play: Gouki and Retsuya always end up in a tie even with a photo shoot.
- Dub Name Change: Philipines and Italian dubs
- Emotionless Boy: J, before Heel Face Turn.
- Everything's Better with Spinning: Magnum Tornado, applying a concept from a fast ball pitching in baseball, Magnum can, with an aid from a wind flow, temporary swirl mid-air at high speed.
- Five-Man Band: The TRF Victorys, among other teams.
- The Hero: Go Seiba
- The Lancer: Retsu Seiba
- The Big Guy: Ryo Takaba
- The Smart Guy: J
- Tagalong Kid: Tokichi Mikuni and Jiromaru Takaba
- Fun with Acronyms: TRF Victorys - Tsuchiya Racing Factory Victorys.
- Heel Face Turn: J, Kurosawa, Retsuya
- Kai Okita in the second season
- Heroic BSOD: When the Sabers and Victory Magnum are destroyed.
- Idiot Hero: Go
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Go
- Large Ham Announcer: Fighter. He gets a woman for it.
- Merchandise-Driven: Tamiya's, of course. Its logo and products are everywhere.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: So many. Considering the company trying to sell their products, it's understandable.
- Nitro Boost: Buck Blader's Power Booster.
- No Export for You: In the U.S. at least.
- Racing Commentator: Fighter, and Prof. Tsuchiya for racing analysis.
- Serious Business: Ohgami definately wants this to happen in the racing society, but the heroes are rejecting the idea, and they won't mind spending time racing for fun in the filler episodes.
- Sibling Rivalry
- Sibling Yin-Yang
- Spanner in the Works: Chiko, messing up her brother's plans twice, with the second time being a serious matter as Kai's trying to take over Mikuni game center.)
- Stalker with a Crush: Chiko, on Retsu.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Strange enough, Go, the hotblooded younger brother, has a blue motif, while Retsu, the level-headed, older brother, is red.
- Running Gag: Whenver Go's teacher, Manami, enters a free race, there will be a track that leads into a male toilet.
- Spoiled Brat: Tokichi, though he gets better.
- Super Prototype: The Sabers, V Machines, Protosaber JB
- Terrible Trio: Prof. Ohgami's students; Kai (super ego), Gen (id), and Rei (ego)
- Troubled but Cute: J
- Sliding Scale of Living Toys: They certainly don't communicate, but while the GP chip handwaves the trope in the second season, the cars do act according to their owners, or even sometimes on their own.
- Spotlight-Stealing Squad: Go, the story starts off with the sibling being equally focused, but after Go has created his Cyclone Magnum, he pretty much steals half of the show. MAX reverses this effect by starting out with Gouki as a protagnist, then upgrades Retsuya's role into an equal term.
- Tomboy: Jun, Minami
- Widget Series: Some filler episodes are plain weird, like episode 22 of WGP, where teachers and students race their minicars around the town tying bowls of soup and dried squid on their cars while avoiding cats and landmines.