< Bébé's Kids
Bébé's Kids/YMMV
- Adaptation Displacement: Most people don't remember the original comedy sketches Robin Harris did. You'll see clips of him performing his act in the opening.
- Alternative Character Interpretation: This film and its players presents the idea that attraction is something worth wading for, no matter how muddy the water, thick the moss or convoluted the goal, it also carries the message that children (while very cumbersome) are exempt from taking responsibility, bullet biting and crow eating aren't necessary as kids will be kids and when all else subsides, cheap ploys will do in a pinch.
- Designated Hero: The kids and Robin Harris himself are some of the best examples. Robin is not a good parent at all and the kids do nothing but act rebellious and cause havoc (even property damage that they never have to pay for) but the viewer's supposed to like them! Similarly, the theme park security are Designated Villains for trying to stop them.
- Genius Bonus: In the trial scene, animatrons of Abraham Lincoln and Richard Nixon act as the defense attorney and prosecutor respectively. Both were lawyers before they became president.
- Jerkass Woobie: The kids at the end.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The musical number in the Tunnel of Love.
- And the whole trial of the robots. What was up with that?
- The Problem with Licensed Games: One of worst as well. See here. Oh, and in case you were wondering how it ends...
- What Do You Mean It's Not for Kids?: Really, a lot of the humor is very adult-related.
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