At Arm's Length (webcomic)

Outwitting Mooks is all in a days' work for our heroes...

A Furry Comic focusing on a trio of women who try to balance their domestic issues and their goals in life. Oh yeah, and they’re also secretly four-armed magic users from another dimension. Don’t tell their husbands!

A comedy-fantasy about three furries who combat magical threats to their adopted homeworld Earth, when they’re not passing off as mortals. Investigating a pending magical invasion of Earth, the main characters deal with pressure from their families to keep their status quiet, making alliances with other do-gooders and trying to keep from going crazy due to bad pop culture.

See it here.

Tropes used in At Arm's Length (webcomic) include:
  • Action Girl: The three main characters, though they are not adventure-seekers in the traditional sense. More like a case of Mama Bear with the whole Earth (and especially their spouses) as their charges.
  • Adventure Guild: Geoffrey, Ginger and Xodiac belong to one.
  • Affably Evil: Temujin. Very pleasant and friendly for a megalomaniac.
  • Aliens in Cardiff: The main setting of the story and seemingly main magical entrance portal to Earth is… Houston.
    • Ally's sister Angela lives in Des Moines. Ally specifically says no one would look for an Enchanter there.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: A literal example, as there is a wanted poster for Temujin for committing multiple acts of jaywalking. Given some of her other activities, jaywalking seems the least of her sins.
  • Author Guest Spot: Cubist showed up in one non-canon tribute story.
  • Author Appeal: Well, something has to explain all the four-armed characters…
  • Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: Ally and Calpurnia spend most of "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" at each other's throats. But after mother-daughter heart-to-heart, they hug it out.
  • Bat Out of Hell: Averted with Echo, an anthro bat from an alien world who is an extremely friendly Perky Goth. Other species may see her as one due to her being a necromancer, however.
  • Baleful Polymorph: In Ian's case, a mortal deer transformed into a four-armed, half deer, half-snake monster. In Selinda's Haven, he's very well liked.
  • The Bechdel Test: Passes. The three main characters are women and they discuss many topics besides just their husbands.
  • Berserk Button: Sheila when Ceryn threatens Will. It takes the intervention of both Ally and Reece to keep the enraged 'roo from beating the deertaur witch to death.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Sheila makes good use of her tail as a weapon. Temujin does as well, with her flail getting some damage on Sheila.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Reece can be very polite. But you don’t want to arouse her angry side.
  • Bittersweet Ending: "Revenge of the Cerv". Sheila has successfully protected her husband's life from Ceryn's threats, but because he is unaware of why she's been avoiding him, he's left hurt and wondering what his wife is keeping from him.
  • Breath Weapon: Kaige, Kiley and most dragons have stereotypical firebreathing capabilities.
  • The Cameo: The heroes accidentally stumble on the cast of Jack while hunting a dimension-hopping villain.
  • Can't Argue with Elves: Pretty much the position most of the snobby magical beings take with both mundanes and also insubordinate members of their own race.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Reece. Her train of thought frequently gets derailed at the station.
  • Continuity Nod: Lots of stories call back to previous adventures.
  • Crossover: Evan Li of The End of Things guest starred in "An Enchanter Walks Into A Bar..."
  • Curb Stomp Battle: Sheila vs. Ceryn during “Revenge of the Cerv.”
  • Cursed with Awesome: Rob, a skunk Enchanter transformed into a 'taur as punishment, tends to see himself this way. Not from any benefits the form may bring him, but because the banishment that accompanied the transformation allowed him to become a better person amongst the "rabble."
  • Deadpan Snarker: Sheila within her group of friends. Also Kaige at times.
  • Eccentric Mentor: Selinda comes off as wise and motherly to the girls.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: While surveying Reece's home, the alien bugs comically misinterpret many of the items in her house, including a Clue gameboard they mistake for a map of the local terrain.
  • Evil Overlord: Krassus, is a more traditional kind. Temujin fits the bill too, though she tends to be more hands on than others.
  • Exactly What It Says on the Tin: The Dragon Security Corps, a private security agency staffed by…dragons.
  • The Fair Folk: Elves exist and seem to hold bureaucratic positions in the magic hierarchy. Pixies live in forests and tend to help victims of magic.
  • Fantastic Foxes: Reece is dippy, but can be cagy when she wants to be. Plus, the fact that she's a supernatural sorceress probably helps.
    • Tazel, as a half-demon, half-fox, qualifies as well.
  • Fantastic Racism: Several magical races feel superior to mortals. Also, many of the more powerful races feel superior to other magic races. These races are in turn disliked by the “lesser” magic races.
  • Fantasy Gun Control: True for the most part, as most of the magical beings prefer bladed or wooden weapons, or use magical-based spells and projectiles for attacks.
    • Still averted in a few cases, such as Ginger, who packs a WWI-era Colt 1911A, as well as an unseen minotaur who was mentioned by Sheila to have been carrying a .44 Magnum when they encountered him.
  • Fighting with Chucks: Sheila prefers to use four sets of nunchucks when facing close quarter threats.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: Ally, Sheila, Reece, Kaige and Kiley start out at odds with Ginger, Geoffrey and Xodiac in "Games Monsters Play" for various professional and social reasons. By the end of the arc, while not becoming friends, they part on better terms with each other.
  • Fully Dressed Cartoon Animals
  • Furry Fandom: Well yeah…
  • Galactic Conqueror: The alien bug conquistadors see themselves as a race of these. They are severely outmatched when they meet Reece.
  • Girls Are Really Scared of Horror Movies: Averted. Reece and Ally watch "Cannibal Beach Party Massacre" with their husbands and snark along with them at the film's quality.
  • Gonzo Journalism: Being a Hunter S. Thompson clone, Ixod naturally practices this.
  • Gory Deadly Overkill Title of Fatal Death: Ally, Peter, Reece and Nick go to see "Cannibal Beach Party Massacre", which is a serious Cliché Storm.
  • Greater Houston: The setting for most of the stories. Apparently monsters like to target Hermann Park.
  • Grumpy Bear: Ginger. Her boyfriend Geoffrey even introduces her as "the surly one."
  • Hair-Raising Hare: While Ally can be cute, many villains regret dealing with this fluffy bunny.
  • Hot Amazon: Temujin is an evil variety.
  • Hot Witch: Technically the main characters, though “witches” in this setting are mortals who can manipulate magic with practice as opposed to Enchanters, who are natural magic conductors.
  • I Am a Monster: Ian has some issues with his monstrous appearance. He’s getting better.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Sheila in “The Wall.” More specifically, she requests a valium.
  • Idiosyncratic Episode Naming: Story arc titles are often based on movie and song titles.
  • Immortality Begins At Twenty: Most of the long-lived characters appear to be young adults.
  • Immortal Procreation Clause: The Enchanters are fully capable of having children at any time, but social norms tend to prevent this. Also, the biological clock normally doesn’t start ticking until a few millennia, eliminating the desire to have children for quite a while. Enchanters who have children while they’re still relatively young, or have more then one, are typically frowned upon.
  • Intrepid Reporter: Ixod Istanbul is determined to find out the truth about the magic going on behind the scenes in Houston.
  • Ironic Birthday: Tazel is the recipient of one of these in "Light The Candles."
  • It Seemed Like a Good Idea At the Time: Reece blindly sets off a trap using a bag of gold as Schmuck Bait that everyone else took care to avoid. Her reason for doing so: she was trying to do a good deed and return the gold.
  • Kangaroos Represent Australia: Sheila, a punk kangaroo at that.
  • Lawyer-Friendly Cameo: The Fox Brothers (and sister) are a very obvious parody of Yakko, Wakko and Dot from Animaniacs.
  • Literal Split Personality: Ally spent most of "Splitting Hares" divided into two versions of herself, one loyally staying by Peter's side while they other half commits to Sheila and Reece. Both claimed to be the "true" Ally and fought it out, each accusing the other of being inferior and making irresponsible choices. It took the threat of being erased from existence due to the instability of the split to get them to put aside their differences and come together again.
  • Literally Shattered Lives: Happens to the Death Raptor.
  • A Load of Bull: Dagg the Fierce, a would-be pillager minotaur, runs afoul of Kaige and Kiley.
    • Also, his cousin supposedly once attacked Ally, Reece and Sheila, with a .44 Magnum at that.
  • Magical Girl Warrior: The three main characters have magic powers and WILL use them in battle. They're basically magic-powered superheroes.
  • Magic Mirror: Temujin's preferred way of communicating with her minions.
  • The Masquerade: Magic and magical beings are kept hidden from several mortal races including Earthlings, unless a mortal race was already grandfathered in prior to the edict to do so. As part of the deal that allows Ally, Reece and Sheila to stay on Earth, they have to keep their background as Enchanters hidden from everyone, including their husbands.
    • The main characters have issues with this policy, and are increasingly questioning the rationality of keeping the big secret in the face of increasing magical threats to Earth. Not to mention the pressure it's putting on their marriages.
  • The Masquerade Will Kill Your Dating Life: See above.
  • Missing Mom: Sheila's mother has so far been a no-show, and unlike most examples this hasn't been portrayed positively, more along the lines of a female Disappeared Dad. Sheila's father on the other hand, while immature and a womanizer, has been there for his daughter when she needed him.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Ian is part deer, part snake.
    • Ginger, Geoffrey and Xodiac are half furry, half dragon hybrids.
  • Mood Whiplash: Stories bounce back and forth between magical adventures and slice of life moments in a mundane setting.
  • Moral Myopia: Enchanters care deeply about their loved ones, but mortals are looked upon as disposable bugs.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Thy name is Temujin.
  • Mugging the Monster: A troupe of conquistador-like alien bugs choose Reece's house as the starting point of their invasion of Earth. They quickly regret this.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: Very much so for the girls. Tazel and Ian have moments where four arms come in handy in a battle too.
  • Multi-Armed Multitasking: When not fighting evil, Ally, Reece and Sheila are not above using their limbs to cut corners in mundane activities.
    • The entire Enchanter race, which is naturally four-armed, is built around this trope.
  • Mundane Utility: When not using them for combat, extra hands come in handy when the main characters are doing mundane activities like house chores.
    • Tazel also uses her ability to replicate herself to do general upkeep at the Haven.
  • Nice Hat: Ally’s top hat. Also, Echo’s witch’s hat and Geoffrey’s Tyrolean cap.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Reece has her surprises.
  • Off with His Head: How Krassus exits the story
  • Older Than They Look: Ties in with the immortality. Reece, Ally and Sheila’s husbands all think their wives are in their late 20s. It might surprise them to find out that all of them predate the United States.
  • The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: The Enchanter council of elders. Likes to throw its weight around and hand out unusual or harsh punishments.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different: ‘Taurs in this setting are not a natural species, but rather the result of magical engineering. Most are former slaves or victims of magical curses.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: Kaige and Kiley work for a private security firm run by dragons.
    • Dragons run a full gamut of various species and moralities, with Kaige and Kiley being good members, Krassus being an Evil Overlord-type and various large, seemingly non-sentient ones showing up in "Splitting Hares."
  • Pegasus: Meet Alexander, a fast-talking winged horse desperate to close a deal. His sad sack, pathetic salesmen persona is a Shout-Out to Jack Lemmon's character in Glengarry Glen Ross.
  • Pet the Dog: Temujin—evil dictator and warlord, really thinks peasants are cute.
  • Precognition: Reece has limited psychic abilities to see the future or sense danger.
  • Please Get Off Me: Kaige ends up being at the bottom of a pile twice during "Games Monsters Play."
  • Power Trio: The three main characters, with Beauty (Reece) Brains (Ally) and Brawn (Sheila).
  • Really Seven Hundred Years Old: Ally, Reece and Sheila are in their 270s but easily pass as young adults on Earth (which they are by their race’s standards). Kaige and Kiley also are young, but have been working together for more than 400 years.
  • Schedule Slip: Been known to happen on occasion due to real life issues. Mostly averted.
  • Seeking Sanctuary: Selinda's Haven is a shelter on Earth for all (reasonably decent) beings, including magical or alien beings seeking asylum from evil regimes or BloodKnights that are seeking them, and mortal victims of magic, usually of the Baleful Polymorph variety.
  • Sensible Heroes, Skimpy Villains: The main characters wear reasonable shirt and pants combos into battle, but their arch nemesis Temujin looks like she bought her outfit from the barbarian section of Victoria's Secret.
    • Averted with Kiley, who wears a tube top.
  • Shout-Out: Transmetropolitan, Animaniacs, The Star Wars Holiday Special, Blue Velvet, Monty Python's Life of Brian... the list goes on.
    • Ally’s stage magician garb is a nod to DC Comics’ Zatanna.
  • Starfish Aliens: The death raptor resembles a demonic flying manta ray.
  • Stealth Pun: Sheila. She's a kangaroo, and her name is Australian slang for a lady.
    • All three main characters' last names are magic-related puns. (Necro-, pyro- etc.)Mancer, (Witch)Kraft and Spellman (ie, magic spells).
  • Storming the Castle: "Games Monsters Play" features a raid on a local warlord's castle.
  • Stripperiffic: Temujin’s outfit leaves little to the imagination.
  • Take That: “The Song Remains The Same” is a big one at pop singers, and also the entire pop music establishment.
    • A crack at Jehovah's Witnesses in "Deer Witch Project" caused some negative reader feedback.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Enchanters as a species can teleport as part of their magical powers.
    • The villain in "Channel Surfing" has a device that allows him to jump dimensions.
  • Teleport Spam: Averted. Ally explains that using teleportation for attack purposes during a fight doesn't work because they can't instantly teleport. It takes the main characters a few seconds to cast the spell and most enemies won't wait patiently for the hero to use it.
    • It's still useful for ambushes because the sudden appearence of the heroes can surprise their enemies and throw them off balance. But once the fight has begun, this tactic can't be sustained.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: A mysterious organization named Cestus Dei is rumored to hunt magical beings on Earth and doesn't distinguis between good and bad.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Ally and Sheila have the closest friendship between the trio. Doesn't stop them from butting heads on occasion.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: The main characters can hide their lower arms when needed to fit in on Earth. Also, they were tricked into transforming themselves into deer. Ally’s Batman Gambit saved the day.
  • Walls of Text: Once almost crushed Ally.
  • We Help the Helpless: Kaige and Kiley operate on this level as part of their jobs (though they get personal satisfaction from helping others as well).
    • Ally, Reece and Sheila view themselves as abiding by this concerning the entire planet Earth, but mostly restrict themselves to large supernatural threats as opposed to common mundane crimes, such as muggings. The rationale being mortals should be protected from threats they're not capable of dealing with, but should be expected to handle the problems they can solve on their own.
  • Wham! Episode: "Called On The Carpet." The main trio learn their own race's council is in cahoots with the evil conspiracy.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Despite her plan being a success, Sheila called Ally out on keeping her plan in “The Deer Witch Project” to overcome Ceryn’s transformation spell a secret, even from Sheila and Reece. Ally’s good mood is noticeably dashed once she realizes her friends didn’t like being left out of the loop.
    • The adventurer hybrids, particularly Ginger, get called out for their prejudiced views of other beings. Somewhat justified in that they fit the ancient definition of hero, that being people who set out to accomplish larger than life goals, without being necessarily decent people.
  • Witch Species: Enchanters are a separate race from normal mortals with natural magic powers. Mortal witches can manipulate magic, but still require magic artifacts to channel their spells.
  • The Worf Effect: Sheila may be the team's big bruiser, but it's not unusual for her to be sent flying when trying to attack a villain head-on. Still, she usually gets the last laugh.
  • Wrench Wench: Ally's sister Angela works as an auto mechanic.
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