Assassin's Creed: Revelations/Heartwarming

  • The description about Maria Thorpe emphasizes how in love she and Altaïr were, and how close they became.
  • Yusuf's reason for wanting to save Suleiman. He and the Constantinople Assassins don't care about any information he has, they just want to keep their prince safe.
  • Ezio showing his respect to his predecessor when he finds the remains of Altaïr in his library.

Ezio: No books... No wisdom... Just you, fratello mio (my brother). Requiescat in pace, Altaïr

  • Ezio's final words to Desmond, placing his faith in him as he gives him a pat on the shoulder. Made all the more poignant because Ezio is choosing at that moment to give up his life as an Assassin after discovering that its entire purpose has been to act as a conduit for the message that the Precursors were trying to communicate across time.
  • Darim: All that is good in me, began with you, father.
    • The whole scene is made even more powerful if you consider their estranged relationship after Maria is killed in The Secret Crusade
  • Essentially the entire fourth Altair mission in which An elderly Altair returns to Masyaf after over 20 years and is welcomed home by most of the Assassins, including one captain who is originally labelled as a target, but as you get close to him, he warmly welcomes Altair and the target over his head disappears
    • In spite of everything Abbas put him through, Altaïr still pities him enough to defend him when some of the other assassins speak ill of him. And then, in Abbas' final moments, Altaïr tells him that while it is true that his father killed himself, he was not a coward and had reclaimed his honor.
  • Pretty much any interaction between Ezio and Sofia, from blatantly hitting on her to happily spending an entire game mission just to pick flowers for her. After he gets her the flowers they have a relaxing picnic together by the docks.
  • Doubles as a Tear Jerker. In Altair's last memory after hiding the Apple, you have to guide him to his chair where he eventually dies peacefully. The mission objective was absolutely heart wrenching.

Sit a moment and rest...

    • I was on the verge of tears. It was only the second time I sincerely did not want to complete a mission objective... until I realized just how tired Altaïr truly was. Not just physically, but of everything. He had done everything he could possibly do. It was time to give him the rest that he deserved. I completed the objective and went to find a Kleenex box.
  • Altaïr's conversation with Al Mualim, showing how close Al Mualim was to Altaïr and Altaïr's commitment to the Brotherhood. Too bad it makes the events of the first game all the more tragic.
  • This bit of dialogue when Altaïr and Maria are on their way to confront Abbas:

Altaïr: We may be walking to our doom, Maria.
Maria: We may, but we walk together.

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