Aki-chan's Life

Following the events of The Second Try the Ikari family is back together. However, this is not the world little Aki Ikari grew up in, this is not the world Asuka and Shinji Ikari have been living in for the past seven years, and there is still quite a bit of work that needs to be done -- for one thing, Mr. and Mrs. Ikari need to get remarried. So join Aki and her parents as they go through life, face the challenges of the world, and look darn cute doing it.
In other words, Aki-chan's Life is a primarily Slice of Life Fan Web Comic that acts as the sequel to the fanfic The Second Try. The story is told in chapters, with each chapter being its own self-contain mini-arc, and the strips themselves are read right-to-left instead of the standard left-to-right. All similarities to Manga or Doujinshi are completely intentional.
The comic can be read here, and is infrequently (but actively) updated.
- Absurdly Youthful Mother: Asuka.
- Both Asuka and Shinji are 14. Their daughter Aki is 4. Time travel was involved.
- On a side note, Aki was born when her parents were about 16 (before the aforementioned time travel).
- Animesque: Art style and format wise the comic is just like a Doujinshi. In every other respect though it's clearly a Western webcomic.
- Cool Old Guy: Fuyutsuki.
- Cuteness Overload: Just look at the page picture. Aki-chan is freaking adorable.
- Does Not Like Shoes: Aki. This was also true in The Second Try but it gets a lot more focus here, especially in Chapter 3.
- Death Glare: Ritsuko finds herself receiving one simultaneously from both Asuka AND Shinji when she jokingly(?) suggests taking a blood sample from Aki for the DNA test.
- Didn't See That Coming: Sums up about half of the reactions on this page after Shinji and Asuka introduce Aki to the rest of the cast.
- Fish Out of Temporal Water: Cute, loveable Aki usually draws worried looks when she talks about the post-Third-Impact world where she used to live. Such as when she drew some pictures in kindergarten.
- Funny Answering Machine: Courtesy of Aki.
- Imaginary Friend: Subverted. Word of God says that the reason Aki isn't carrying around Kiko (her doll) all that much any more is because she is meeting lots of people besides her mom and dad.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Aki and Rei.
- Kid From the Future: Aki technically counts, although both parents were aware of her existence before she went back in time.
- Lemony Narrator: Caption boxes will often exposit on the characters' expressions, and in parts of chapter 1 they just flat out gave the author's commentary on the proceedings.
- Mama Bear: Asuka does not take it well when she can't find Aki.
- Mythology Gag: When Maya offers to get Aki some tea at a vending machine she responds with "But I'm a girl...!"
- Also, when Aki first sees the Geofront, she says, "Wow! A real-" "-ly big cave!"
- Later, when Aki falls out of a tree, she lands gracefully on her feet, in a manner extremely similar to Rei falling out of the vent in NERV.
- Oh Crap: The older Ikaris finding out that Kodama (Hikari's big sister) works at the kindergarten where they're enrolling Aki.
- OOC Is Serious Business: When Touji and Hikari see Rei smiling, they freak out and decide they MUST have landed on an alternate universe somehow (and they are not so far from the truth, if you think about it).
- Peggy Sue: While the comic itself doesn't directly have this, the effects of The Second Try being an example are discussed though. For one thing, Ritsuko doesn't believe that Aki is Shinji and Asuka's daughter till she does a DNA test.
- Schedule Slip: It never really had a schedule to begin with, but there was a two-year hiatus between chapters 3 and 4.
- Seen It All: Touji figures out who Aki is within minutes of meeting her. More to the point, he has very little trouble believing it:
Touji: I guess I shouldn't have been so surprised... I've seen so many weird things the last few months... So... congratulations.
- Shout-Out: Super-Saiyan Asuka does not like the thought of Aki being a test subject.
- Also, Aki pulls a Luffy.
- Spin Offspring: Guess.
- Spit Take: Kodoma does one when she learns that Aki has run off.
- Title Drop: The only instance where Japanese Honorifics are used are two instances where people are addressing "Aki-chan."