Abobo's Big Adventure

"Imagine you could put every NES game ever made into a blender and that's basically what you're dealing with here in the form of a huge Flash game."
The developers

Abobo's Big Adventure is a Flash-based browser game made by "Team Bobo" and released to the public on January 11, 2012 after an extremely long development cycle. The game's development started in 2002 as a pet project of Roger Barr a.k.a. -RoG- of I-Mockery fame, who wanted to create the ultimate tribute to NES games. The early drafts of this project were scrapped because of other commitments, and -RoG- started anew in 2006 with a new group of developers, who strived to preserve as much as possible the look and feel of NES titles.

The game stars Abobo, the notorious Giant Mook of Double Dragon, in a quest to save his son Aboboy who has been kidnapped by a bunch of goons. He starts in the familiar streets of the game he came from, but eventually finds himself stuck in several classic NES titles such as Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Contra, Mega Man and many more, smashing and killing everything in sight to find and destroy his son's kidnappers.

Abobo's Big Adventure quickly became popular on Newgrounds, being voted as Daily Feature and Weekly Users' Choice in a matter of days. If you want to experience it yourself, here's the official site.

  • Abnormal Ammo - The gun that shoots Lemmings.
    • Abobo even has an Abnormal Weapon. During the suiting up montage, which is clearly an ode to Rambo: First Blood Part II, Abobo arms himself with a spatula, a kitchen utensil, instead of a combat knife.
  • Affectionate Parody - The game is a big, bloody loveletter to Nintendo's 8-bit era.
  • All Your Powers Combined - In the Punch Abobo level, Abobo has the special rage attacks, characteristics, and mannerisms of all the non-Mike Tyson/Mr. Dream opponents in the NES version of Punch-Out!!, except, of course, for Glass Joe. He has Von Kaiser's intro music, Piston Honda's intro music/bandana/eye twitching and Hurricane Rush rage attack, Don Flamenco's intro music/flower dance and Flamenco Punch rage attack, King Hippo's intro music/jaw opening and closing and straight punch rage attack, Great Tiger's turban and disappearing/reappearing five-punch rage attack, Soda Popinski's laugh for whenever he knocks out Little Mac, Mr. Sandman's Dreamland Express rage uppercuts, Super Macho Man's manboob shaking and rage spin punches, and of course, Bald Bull's sprite/taunt pose, and the special rage attack he delivers to Little Mac, at the very end of the match, where he bull charges right towards him, and sends his head flying with an uppercut courtesy of the Power Glove.
  • Ascended Glitch - In the original NES Double Dragon there was the so-called "Elevator Glitch". Abobo has kept it, only this time it gives you an achievement and lets you crash a...um... private party.
  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever: the hugeass shark, the Old Man in Old Giant form, and notably the gigantic Kirby.
  • All Just a Dream- During the credits, in reference to Super Mario Bros. 2.
  • Background Boss - A truly enormous Kirby.
  • Badass: Abobo, natch
  • Badass Mustache: Abobo, of course. There's even a debate as to whether or not he has one. But it appears that he does, if you look carefully at his in-game sprite.
  • Bait and Switch Boss - In the Contrabobo stage where the giant alien at the end is inhaled by a huge-ass Kirby before it can do anything.
    • You could also consider the Jaws battle to be one of those. With the menacing music that starts playing when you fight it, the shark is psyched as the final boss of the level... but turns out to be just another miniboss when after three hits it's eaten by a shark ten times its size with Frickin' Laser Beams attached to its head - the real boss.
  • Big Bad: Little Mac.
  • Beam Spam: the Death Blossom Rage Move.
  • Bloody Hilarious - Nearly a minute into the game, Abobo rips the head off a small boy walking by and eats it to regain his life. You can then use his body as a projectile and get an achievement for it. And that's just the beginning.
  • Bow Chicka Wow Wow - Literally appears on the screen while Abobo's, er, mating with Annie the mermaid.
  • Breakout Mook Character - In Double Dragon, Abobo was just a Giant Mook who smashed walls and got his ass handed to him by the Lee brothers. Now he does essentially the same things to other NES characters as a protagonist!
  • Coup De Grace Cutscene
  • Credits Gag - As stated above, the end credits are inspired by the ones from Super Mario Bros. 2. The "cast roll" includes totally unrelated pop culture icons such as Skeletor and Inspector Gadget in between the boss characters, followed by Aboboy and Abobo themselves, then pictures of the development team, and finally, the special thanks, before ending with the words "Goonies never say die!". It's charming in its own way.
  • Curb Stomp Battle - Abobo vs. the guy from Urban Champion. The Trope Namer American History X is referenced in the ending when Aboboy literally curb-stomps Scrooge McDuck.
  • Decoy Protagonist: As a brief joke during the intro: one of the few possible NES characters appears in the open doorway during the beginning of the intro, making it seem that the intro text could be talking about them, but as the screen starts scrolling upwards, they quickly end up being scrolled offscreen and let out a quick "aww!".
  • Death From Above: The Rage Move in the Contrabobo level is a bomber plane that torches the screen with a carpet bombing.
  • Disc One Final Boss - The Old Man
  • Dishing Out Dirt - Abobo's first Rage Move is a rain of huge stone boulders.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? - The Zelda dungeon has a familiar phallic shape.
  • Doing It for the Art - The game is for free and basically a huge (if twisted) love letter to the NES games and the pop culture of The Eighties. It exists just because -RoG- wanted it to.
  • Doppelganger Attack: the Old Man splits into three Old Men wielding swords.
  • Expy - Aboboy is based on Rajiv (the captain of Team India) from Technos' Super Dodge Ball. Rajiv was the strongest captain of the strongest team in the game, so it makes perfect sense. Just slightly recolor his skin, replace his team outfit with small blue shorts, leave his pink slippers alone, and voila, Aboboy!
  • Extreme Omnivore - Abobo eats a lot of things that are normally not able to be properly consumed by a regular human being. Namely, the heads of River City Ransom passerby, a can with god-knows-what in it, Annie's head (if you so choose), loads of enemies in Super Mabobo, and the freakin' Triforce (!!!).
  • Fake Boss - In the Super Mabobo stage where you fight Jaws, and after defeating him he gets chomped by a much larger shark with a friggin' laser attached to his head named Bigdaddy.
  • Fan Nickname: Many fans call thisgame the Game Of The Forever.
  • Forced Level Grinding - In the spin-off game Aboboy's Small Adventure, you need to gain levels in order to successfully beat the game in one sitting. When you destroy something or someone with your hugs, you'll collect coins. Collect enough of them, and you'll earn a level as well as a stat point. After completing each wave, you can then use them to increase your strength, your health, your ability to cling to coins and meat, your speed, and your focus. As many as 60 stat points can be earned.
  • Gaiden Game - Aboboy's Small Adventure, available for those who donated to the developers.
  • Gameplay Roulette - As every level is based upon a different NES title with its own gameplay and style, it is to be expected.
  • Giant Space Flea From Nowhere - Most of the enemies and bosses are completely random and often have nothing to do with the stages. All part of the fun, though.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body - The first thing Robobobo, the boss of the Mega Man stage, does is to throw at Abobo Dr. Wily, who splatters on the wall behind him.
  • Groin Attack - Aboboy is kicked in the crotch by a mook and then kidnapped in the opening cutscene of the game.
  • Heads I Win, Tails You Lose - In the first stage, Double Drabobo, Abobo will die if he falls into the hole next to the conveyor belt. However, after Abobo defeats Shooter Gavin, a forklift with a pile of TNT runs into a pile of TNT. Abobo then fell into the hole because of the explosion, but he didn't die and falls into a room below, which has a pipe that leads to the next stage.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath - Abobo does not care about any bystanders he finds on his way to rescue Aboboy. They will be destroyed as gratuitously as the actual opposition, in Bloody Hilarious ways.
  • Hollywood Acid - In the "Punch Abobo" level, if you lose to Little Mac by decision (there's no way to win by decision, BTW), referee Mario will push the green button on a hanging switch, that will open the floor underneath Abobo, which contains Hydrochloric Acid, reducing him to only his skeleton. Afterwards, Little Mac will then punch Mario into the acid.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: See Bloody Hilarious
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice - The first boss gets impaled on a forklift truck. Also, the Amazon.
  • Item Get - Occurs in the Zeldabobo level.
  • Joke Level / Breather Level - The level based on Urban Champion can't be lost no matter what, and our opponent can't even harm Abobo. This can be also a Take That to Urban Champion itself, which kind of sucked and was one of Nintendo's weakest titles.
  • Kamehame Hadoken: the giant laser Rage Move in Megabobo.
  • Kill'Em All - Boy howdy.
  • Latex Perfection - After the Zeldabobo stage, Abobo finds his son tied to a chair (hidden in the Kung-Fu Master basement, no less); however, after a brief happy moment, it is revealed that Aboboy is really The Amazon in disguise. The two of course look nothing alike.
  • Like Father, Like Son - Abobo and Aboboy enjoy killing everyone and everything in sight.
  • Limit Break - When Abobo's Rage meter gets filled all the way, he can perform a powerful Super move based on the stage he's in.
  • Loading Screen - While the game is loading, Abobo tries to get a copy of his own game to work on a NES, by blowing on the cartridge and repeatedly pushing the Power button. This gives the impression that we are playing as Abobo playing Abobo's Big Adventure on the NES, confirmed when we see Abobo's hands holding the NES controller while inputting the Konami Code.
  • Made of Iron - The Amazon, that yellow fish-dude from Pro Wrestling, is incredibly tough. Not only he is unaffected by any attacks during the Balloon Fight phase, he manages to survive a very violent wrestling match with Abobo, including when he basically nukes the arena with his Rage finishing move. However, the Spikes of Doom from Mega Man are too much even for him.
    • Abobo himself. During the fight with Little Mac, the right side of his face can be reduced to his bare skull and he'll fight completely unhindered.
  • Manly Tears - Abobo weeps in the intro where right off the bat, he doesn't see Aboboy where he normally sees him, and in between the 4th and 5th levels, Abobo sees his son, and runs to him with manly tears in slow-motion, only to be tricked, as it turned out to be The Amazon in disguise.
  • Massively Multiplayer Crossover / Mega Crossover
  • Mermaid Problem - Not a problem for Abobo!
  • Multi-Take Cut - The Coup De Grace Cutscene for the Final Boss shows Abobo's uppercut close in at four different angles. Those same four angles are then shown again in quick succession, this time with the punch connecting.
  • Nintendo Hard - Ultimately averted: the game isn't easy, but it is far less frustrating than many of the titles that inspired it, plus it has an autosave feature that lets you continue from the last level reached. Still, some people think it's too hard, and the Balloon Fight/Pro Wrestling level is overall pretty difficult since you die in 2 hits in the first part, dying at the second part forces you to do the first one again and naturally you can't skip to the second part right away from stage select. You can skip to the second part by pressing 1 while on the first part, though.
  • Won't Work On Me - The Urban Champion guy above can't even harm Abobo at all.
  • Nostalgia Level - Every level is based on one (or more) popular NES titles, with the original music and all.
  • Notice This - The pushable blocks in the Zeldabobo dungeon flash every few seconds.
  • Off with His Head - The final fate of Little Mac.
  • Oh Crap - Can be read on the faces of the NES characters in the ending when they realize that Abobo and his son are going to murder every single one of them.
  • One-Winged Angel - The Old Man of the Zeldabobo level goes into two advanced forms during the battle with him, Robobobo turns into a much bigger robot made of liquid metal, while Little Mac of the final stage has a Big Mac form that he goes into upon getting knocked down twice.
  • Overly-Long Fighting Animation - The Rage Move for the Level 5 boss fight, in which Abobo summons the Ultimate Warrior, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, The Undertaker, and Hulk Hogan to give the Amazon a Humiliation Conga before Abobo himself gives him a giant piledriver that destroys the stadium.
  • Overly Long Gag - The first part of the ending consists of Little Mac's severed head flying by various NES game scenarios, culminating with it hitting the goal pole from Super Mario Bros.
  • Palette Swap - Abobo's sprite in Punch Abobo is clearly a swap of Bald Bull's sprite.
  • Pet the Dog - If you wait a few seconds when told to finish off the Urban Champ, the game flashes an alternate button input prompt: following those directions allows Abobo to use Johnny Cage's Friendship instead.
  • Pop Goes the Human - When you meet Dig Dug in the Zeldabobo dungeon, chances are that he'll inflate Abobo with his pump. Some enemies will appear at that moment, and Abobo has to avoid all of them for 10 seconds, or else he'll pop like a balloon and lose an entire life.
  • Portmanteau - Each of the eight mixed up worlds that Abobo must fight his way through, and adapt to, as each level has its own gameplay style, is short for the following: Double Dragon Abobo (Double Drabobo), Super Mario Bros. Abobo (Super Mabobo), Urban Champion Abobo (Urban Chabobo), The Legend of Zelda Abobo (Zeldabobo), Pro Wrestling Abobo (Pro Wrabobo), Mega Man Abobo (Mega Mabobo), Contra Abobo (Contr Abobo), and Punch-Out!! (Punch Abobo).
    • The developers of the game dubbed the theme song (which is entirely original) "The Abobo Boogie", or "The Aboboogie" for short.
  • The Power of Rage: It's what fuels his Limit Breaks (possibly a Shout-Out to Final Fantasy VII, due to Limit Breaks being justified as being powered by such in some sources).
  • Punny Name - Little Mac's beefed-up One-Winged Angel form is called Big Mac.
  • Reference Overdosed - This picture is just the tip of the iceberg.
  • Refuge in Audacity - There's blood, vomit, dismemberments, Toilet Humor, senseless violence... As one commenter put it, "your childhood will die, but it will die laughing".
  • Retraux - The official site even has a section that tells players how to connect a NES pad to the computer and play the game with it!
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge - Seriously, don't mess with Abobo's kid.
  • Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies: Abobo's first Rage Move... literally.
  • Saved From Development Hell
  • Shoot the Messenger - Abobo can do this literally in the "Zeldabobo" level.

Mr. Informer: ROT IN HELL ABOBO !!!!

  • Shout-Out - There are simply far too many to be listed in this page. But for starters, the title is a reference to the film, Pee Wees Big Adventure, cause, after all, who was known for having a big adventure in the 1980's? Why, Pee-Wee Herman, of course! No one else but.
  • Signature Laugh - Abobo during the Punch Abobo level, and ending.
  • Spin Attack: Several Rage Moves, such as spinning to create a huge water funnel or causing a Death Blossom of flying projectiles. The Old Man clones in second form can spin with their sword extended.
  • Stationary Boss - Krangby a.k.a. Kirby inside Krang's giant humanoid robot.
  • Stealth Pun: The boss fight in Zeldabobo is located at the end of the dungeon. Given the dungeon's phallic appearance, reaching the end of the dungeon means you just reached a climax, as in... yeah.
  • Super Move Portrait Attack - Whenever you use the Rage Move. It even changes for each level. Averted in the final level, however.
  • Tempting Fate - The Amazon boasts that his jetpack will never run out of fuel. *sput* *sput* Uh oh...
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Abobo in general is very fond of overkill, but the fate of the unfortunate Amazon takes the cake: assaulted by four wrestlers one after the other, then slammed from immense height into the floor hard enough to cause a massive explosion, bursting through the floor and getting impaled by a cluster of spikes.
  • Traveling Pipe Bulge - Happens whenever Abobo goes through pipes from Super Mario Bros..
  • Unstoppable Rage - Abobo's basic emotion.
  • Victory Fakeout - At the end of the first stage, you can get the boss to walk over the conveyor belt and let him fall in the pit to his doom, just like in Double Dragon. The words "YOU WIN!" appear on screen... however, a second later the boss emerges from the pit with a jetpack, and the fight resumes! This is made just to mess with whoever played Double Dragon, but it should be noted that doing this results in an achievement and is incredibly difficult to do on purpose to begin with as the boss has a gun so you can't easily bait him near the pit, he performs an evasive roll whenever he gets up from knockdown, Abobo can't jump in the first level to get closer to him while he's firing and his dash attacks, which push his enemies back the furthest, require large chunks of his rage meter to perform.
  • Video Game Achievements
  • Villain Protagonist - Abobo isn't really any nicer to innocent bystanders than the mooks he gratuitously slaughters, and will happily kill anyone in his way just for the sake of doing it. This is, of course, Played for Laughs.
  • Your Princess Is in Another Castle - In reference to the Trope Namer, Toad appears in a secret area within the Zeldabobo level, to inform Abobo of this. Unfortunately for him, the latter is looking for someone else, so he gets a Bullet Bill in the face for his trouble.
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