List of songs recorded by Anuradha Paudwal

This is an alphabetical list of known Hindi songs performed by Anuradha Paudwal from 1973 til date. Of the 1501 songs that have been performed by Paudwal,[1] 785 are listed here. She has also sung in several other different languages which are not included in this list.

Kannada-language songs

This is a list of songs by Paudwal in the Kannada language.

YearSong TitleMovieMusic DirectorCo-SingersRef
1996"Kannada nadina jeevanadi" , "Navamasa ninnanu"JeevanadhiKotiSPB, Rajesh krishnan
2000"Holi holi", "Yarittaree chukki", "Sai sai preethse"PreethseHamsalekhaK. S. Chitra, Hariharan, Rajesh krishnan, SPB
2000"Bendakaloora pakka", "Vasantha bhoomige"Devara MagaSPB, Rajesh Krishnan
2001"Yaro neenu", "Nanna preethiya huduga"Nanna Preethiya HudugiMano MurthyHariharan
2003"Ell ellinda"KariyaGuru kiranGuru kiran
2004"Karunaadina Koravanngi"SarvabhoumaHamsalekhaHariharan

Telugu songs

Malayalam songs

Bengali songs

Tamil-language songs

YearSong TitleMovieMusic DirectorCo-SingersRef
1999"Poosu Manjal"Kanave KalaiyadheDeva
2000"Enakkoru Snegithi"PriyamanavaleS. A. RajkumarNot Singer, Special Appearance


  1. "Anuradha Paudwal Songs". Archived from the original on 17 March 2012. Retrieved 19 March 2012.
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